Henricus Joannes van Ogtrop (1866-1914).

  • Profession: Member of H.J. van Ogtrop & Son, Stockbroker in Amsterdam, Member provincial states of North Holland.
  • Relation to Mahler: One to the initiators and founders of the Amsterdam Royal Concertgebouw, who knew each other from the Old Exchange (Oude Beurs) in amsterdam, where they formed a “musical” group.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 22-02-1866 Amsterdam
  • Address: Herengracht 280, Amsterdam (built in 1710, bought by Ogtrop in 1909, rebuilding by K.P.C. de Bazel).
  • Died: 05-07-1914 Amsterdam, Aged 48.
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 

See also his father: Pieter Anton Lodewijk van Ogtrop (1835-1903).

Henricus Joannes van Ogtrop (1866-1914). Herengracht 280.

Henricus Joannes van Ogtrop (1866-1914). Herengracht 280.

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