Heinrich Krzyzanowski (1855-1933).

  • Profession: Writer, gymnasium teacher, literary, Germanist, translator. (Dr.)
  • Residences: Cheb (Eger), Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: Close friend in his youth, hiking companion. Also friend of Hans Rott (1858-1884).
  • Correspondence with Mahler: Yes.
  • Mother: Theresia Krzyzanowski (1824-1915)
  • Born: 00-00-1855 City of Cheb
  • Brother: Rudolf Krzyzanowski (1859-1911).
  • Study: German Philology at the University of Vienna. 
  • Married: 1880 Auguste, born Tschuppik (1861-1909).
  • Daughter: Eva
  • Son: Otfried Friedrich Krzyzanowski (poet, born 25-06-1886 in Starnberg, died 30-11-1918 in Vienna. Starved in the cold winter of 1918 in Vienna. Aged 32. Buried 22-12-1918 in Vienna in presence of Franz Werfel (1890-1945)).
  • Son: Half-brother of Otfried called Heinrich.
  • Married: 1880 Auguste Tschuppik (1861-1909).
  • Address 1883: House Krzyzanowski (Provaznicka ulice No. 460). Cheb
  • Address 1883: House Krzyzanowski (Nadrazni ulice No. 542). Cheb
  • Address 1886: House Krzyzanowski (Weilheimer No. 236, Starnberg) Munich
  • Address 1892: House Kryzyzanowsi (Schnorrstrasse 9/I). Munich
  • Address 1896: House Kryzyzanowsi (schellingstrasse 70/II). Munich.
  • Address 1897: Vienna, Austria.
  • Address 1898: Hall, Tirol, near Innsbruck, Austria
  • Address 0000: Kramsach, Austria.
  • Address 1925-1927: Vienna, Austria.
  • Address 0000: Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Novel: Im Bruch (1885). A Biography.
  • Died: 13-01-1933. Aged 78
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 

Also: Kryzyanowski.

Symphonisches Praeludium in c minor (Bruckner of Mahler)

Heinrich Krzyzanowski (1855-1933). Im Bruch. A Biography (Year 1885)

Usere taglich Gift. Poems by Otfried Krzyzanowski (1886-1918). Published 1919. Son of Heinrich Krzyzanowski (1855-1933)

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