House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31).

House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Composing cottage, Maiernigg No. 31)

Here (and in a home he rented the year before) Gustav Mahler composed:

Tags: Komponierhauschen, Composition hut, composition cabin, composing cabin.

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