Leopold Demuth (1861-1910).

  • Profession: Bass-baritone
  • Residences: Leipzig, Hamburg, Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 02-11-1861 Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Died: 04-03-1910 Czernowitz (now Chernovtsy) Ukraine.
  • Buried: Central cemetery, Vienna, Austria. Grave 33H-7-7.
  1. 1897 Concert Hamburg 30-01-1897 (piano).
  2. 1897 Concert Hamburg 01-02-1897 (piano).
  3. 1897 Concert Hamburg 16-04-1897.
  4. 1898 Opera Vienna 12-03-1898.

Also: Pokorny.

Moravian baritone. He studied at the Vienna Conservatory and in 1889 at Halle made his stage début in the title role of Marschner’s Hans Heiling. He sang at the Leipzig Opera, 1891-1897, and for a season at Hamburg. In 1898 he joined the Hofoper at Vienna, where he sang 68 roles as a leading member.

Leopold Demuth (1861-1910). As Wolfram von Eschenbach in Richard Wagners opera Tannhauser. 

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