Karl Horwitz (1884-1925) in 1923.

Havemann Quartet: from left to right, all in dark suits: Havemann, Kniestadt, Mahlke and Steiner. And thereby students of Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), from left to right: Karl Horwitz (second from left), Josef Schmidt and Fritz Fritz Kaltenborn (Salzburg, 1923).

  • Profession: Composer Residences: Vienna
  • Relation to Mahler: Organised Mahlers farewell from Vienna for America in 09-12-1907.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: Yes.
    • 00-00-1908, Year 
  • Born: 01-01-1884
  • Died: 18-08-1925 Salzburg, Austria. Aged 41.
  • Buried: 24-08-1925 Central cemetery, Vienna, Austria. Grave 41-B-G1-36. Family grave.

Also Curt Horwitz. Pupil of Guido Adler (1855-1941)  and Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). Later conducted at Trier, Gablanz and Prague. He composed a Lieder-cycle named Vom Tode in which his veneration for Gustav Mahler is expressed in the form of a quote from Symphony No. 2. Mahler wrote to him in 1908. He organised Mahlers farewell from Vienna for America in 09-12-1907.

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