Personal Information

Wolfgang Rose
Born 06-09-1977 Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria.
Gender ♂️ Male
Person ID 13625
Last Modified 2020-08-26 22:36:20

Parents ( 1 )

Eduard Rose
Mother Emma Marie Eleanor Rose-Mahler
Siblings ♂️ Ernest Rose
Family ID 25400
Last Modified 2022-01-20 18:30:31

Spouses ( 1 )

Ali Olitzki


Birth Entering into life.

📍 Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria.

Additional Information

Additional Info

Wolfgang Rose (1902-1977).

New York Pianist.

  • 1902-06: Gustav Mahler refers to him on a postcard to his mother. See postcard on page Emma Marie Eleanor Rose-Mahler (1875-1933).
  • 29-03-1939 His last time in Weimar for his fathers 80th birthday (Eduard Rose (1859-1943)).
  • 1941 Exile in America.
  • 1944 New York recital debut in Town Hall.
  • According Bruno Walter (1876-1962) Wolfgang was a very good pianist.
  • His teachers included Arthur Schnabel and Walter Gieseking.
  • Became accompanist for the violinists Misch:. Elman Pnd Julian Olevsky.
  • In 1961 he retired to devote himself entirely to teaching. Among his students were Michel Block and James Mathis.
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