Henriette Mankiewicz-Tauber (1852-1906).

  • Profession: Artist.
  • Residences:
  • Relation to Mahler: Friend.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: Yes.
  • Born: 18-09-1852 Vienna, Austria.
  • Died: 30-06-1906 Vienna, Austria. Aged 53.
  • Buried: 03-07-1906 Dobling cemetery, Vienna. Grave 34-2-28.
  • Re-buried: 20-02-1907 Dobling cemetery, Vienna. Grave 34-4-32.

She was handicaped. Mahler went te see her often and sent her letters. Mahler asked Henriette to give some singers at the Opera advice about their dress and general appearance. She was a friend of Natalie Bauer-Lechner (1858-1921).

Decoration by Henriette Mankiewicz.

 Henriette Mankiewicz-Tauber (1852-1906)

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