• Christian Friedrich Kahnt (1823-1897)
  • Profession: Publisher (and successors).
  • Relation to Mahler: Symphony No. 6.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 10-05-1823 Leipzig.
  • Died: 05-06-1897 Leipzig.
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 

German music publisher. He founded a firm in Leipzig in 1851 that brought out good contemporary music (e.g. by Liszt, Draeseke, Grabner, Busoni, Nielsen and Mahler) and a great deal of salon music. It also published careful editions of major works and various works by unfamiliar composers of the 16th and 17th centuries such as Frescobaldi and Georg Muffat.

Christian Friedrich Kahnt (1823-1897) opened his music store, publishing house and music lending library on 02-10-1851 in Leipzig. He published the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik and was publisher for Franz Liszt, before he sold his company to Wilhelm Auerbach in 1882.

Kahnt music publishers.

Kahnt music publishers.

The company was further known as C.F. Kahnt Nachfolger under Oskar Schwalm (1886), Paul Simon (1889) and Alfred Hoffmann (1903).

After having lost a significant part of the archive during World War II, Hoffmann relocated the firm to Bonn (1951) and Wasserburg am Bodensee (1958). In 1989, the firm was sold to Carl Friedrich Peters (1779-1827) of Peters music publishers.

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