Henri Hinrichsen (1868-1942).

  • Profession: Music publisher in Leipzig, owner of Peters music publishers.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 05-02-1868 Hamburg, Germany.
  • Died: 17-09-1942 Auswitz, Germany. Arrested in Brussels and sent to concentration camp Auschwitz, where he was murdered on 17 September 1942 at the age of 74.
  • Buried: South cemetery, Leipzig.

Henri Hinrichsen was the son of Betty and Robert Hinrichsen 1868 in Hamburg. In 1887 he went to Leipzig to work with his uncle Max Abraham, owner of the publishing house Peters music publishers. 1898 he married Martha Bendix, with whom he had seven children, two daughters and five sons. After the death of Max Abraham Hinrichsen he became the owner of Peters music publishers.

In 1911, Hinrichsen, who was closely connected to the pedagogue Henriette Goldschmidt (1825-1920), founded the “Hochschule für Frauen zu Leipzig”, the first institution of its kind in Germany.

Henri Hinrichsen (1868-1942).

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