Lakeside restaurant with port of call.

Seerestaurant, See restaurant.

In order to get to his house in Maiernigg (House Gustav Mahler Maiernigg 1901-1907 (Villa Mahler, Maiernigg No. 31)), Mahler traveled by train from Vienna and got off at Krumpendorf. He had a servant with a rowing boat to cross lake Wortersee. He wrote: “During the first rudder strokes, the theme, or rather the rhythm, and the kind of introduction to the first movement of the 7th Symphony occurred to me.”

Possibly Mahler was a guest in the 1902 seaside restaurant, when he was waiting for his servant to take him off with the rowing boat. Krumpendorf was also a place of change for trips to Klagenfurt. Thus his wife, Alma Mahler, describes a return in 1906 from Klagenfurt to Maiernigg:

“One evening, Mahler, my mother and I drove from Klagenfurt to Krumpendorf, where our servant was waiting for us with the boat. It was a rigid, moonlit night. Mahler sat opposite me. His Havelock was closed to the brim. The long, white face, with the bronze, high forehead lit phosphors. He looked terrifying, as death disguised as a monk. I could only get rid of my horror by telling him. He laughed and told us that in Hamburg he had once been dressed as a monk on a masquerade ball, that no one dared to approach him because he had looked “real”. So Savonarola must have looked like this night.”

Year 1903. Seerestaurant Krumpendorf. From here the servant Mahler rode across the lake to his villa in Maiernigg.

Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

Year 1903Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

Year 1917. Seerestaurant Krumpendorf.

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