Hermine Kittel (1879-1948).

  • Profession: Alto.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 02-12-1879 Vienna, Austria. Married name Haydter.
  • Married Alexander Haydter (1872-1919).
  • Died: 04-03-1948 Vienna, Austria. Aged 68.
  • Buried: 09-03-1948 Meidling cemetery, Vienna, Austria. Grave 5-2-175. Hermine Haydter-Kittel.
  1. 1902 Concert Vienna 20-01-1902 – Symphony No. 4, Das klagende Lied.
  2. 1903 Concert Basel 15-06-1903 – Symphony No. 2.
  3. 1903 Concert Amsterdam 22-10-1903 – Symphony No. 3.
  4. 1903 Concert Amsterdam 23-10-1903 – Symphony No. 3.
  5. 1904 Concert Vienna 14-12-1904 – Symphony No. 3.
  6. 1904 Concert Vienna 22-12-1904 – Symphony No. 3.
  7. 1907 Concert Vienna 24-11-1907 – Symphony No. 2.

Hermine Kittel was an Austrian contralto from Vienna. She studied singing with Amalie Materna in Vienna. She made her operatic debut in 1897 in Ljubljana. Kittle first sang under Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) at the Vienna State Opera (Hofoper, Wiener Staatsoper) and later premiered in a revision of Ariadne auf Naxos. She sang at the Bayreuth Festival in 1902 and 1908, where she sang Erda in Der Ring des Nibelungen. She also sang at the Salzburg Festival, where she often played Marcellina in The Marriage of Figaro.

She was married to opera singer Alexander Haydter, her brother Karl Kittel was a conductor.

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