In the early years of Mahler’s conducting career, composing was a spare time activity. Between his Laibach and Olmütz appointments he worked on settings of verses by Richard Leander and Tirso de Molina, later collected as Volume I of Lieder und Gesänge (“Songs and Airs”).

  • Tirso de Molina is a pseudonym of Gabriel Tellez (born: 1579 in Madrid, died: 1648 in Almazan, Spain). Monk and poet.
  • Richard Leander is a pseudonym of Richard Volkmann (1830-1889). Surgeon and poet.

Tirso de Molina (Gabriel Tellez).

Richard Volkmann (1830-1889) (Richard Leander).

Five Songs for Voices and Piano (Fünf Lieder und Gesänge für eine Singstimme und Klavier, 1880-1887). Forming part I of Lieder und Gesange, entitled after Mahler’s death: Lieder aus der Jugendzeit. Text: Tirso de Molina, Richard Leander (Richard Volkmann (1830-1889)) and Gustav Mahler.

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