Lied 4: Serenade aus Don Juan

The fourth song in the collection was inspired by Tirso de Molina, a poet and Spanish monk. The text from both the “Serenade” and “Phantasie” come from Tirso de Molina’s 1630 play Don Juan. Mahler arranged both songs for voice, harp, and wind ensemble. He indicated breath marks at the end of each line of text which fit well textually. If possible, the tubist should consider removing at least one breath, making the breathing pattern less predictable for the listener. This technique, while valuable when preparing all of Mahler’s songs, is even more important to this song due to the recurring melodic material.

Text: Tirso de Molina.


Serenade aus Don Juan


Ist’s dein Wille, süße Maid,

Meinem heißen Liebesstreben

Erst im Tode Raum zu geben,

O da wart’ ich lange Zeit!


Soll ich deine Gunst genießen

Erst nach meinem Erdengange,

Währt mein Leben allzulange!

Mag es gleich um Nu zerfließen!


Ist’s dein Wille, süße Maid,

Meinem heißen Liebesstreben

Erst im Tode Raum zu geben,

O das ist gar lange Zeit, gar zu lange Zeit!


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