Generation 1:

  • Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826)
  • Also: Carl von Weber.
  • Residences: Dresden, Salzburg, Freiburg.
  • Profession: Composer, pianist, critic.
  • Born: 18-12-1786 Eustin, Germany.
  • Married: 04-11-1817 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Children: 3.
  • Died: 05-06-1826 London, England. TBC. Aged 39.
  • Buried: London, England.
  • Re-buried: 1844. 18 years later his remains were transferred to Dresden. Family grave, Old Catholic cemetery, Dresden, Germany.

Married to:

  • Antonia Carolina von Weber (1766-1852)
  • Also: Caroline Brandt.
  • Profession: Singer.
  • Born: 19-11-1796 Bonn, Germany.
  • Married: 04-11-1817 Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Children: 3.
  • Died: 23-02-1852 Dresden, Germany.
  • Buried: Family grave, Old Catholic cemetery, Dresden, Germany.

Generation 2:

  • Philipp Christian Maximilian Maria von Weber (1822-1881)
  • Also: Max Maria von Weber.
  • Son of Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826).
  • Profession: Railroad engineer, writer, councilor.
  • Born: 25-04-1822 Dresden, Germany.
  • Children: 3. Father of Karl von Weber (1849-1897)
  • Married: 27-04-1846 Dresden, Germany.
  • Died: 18-04-1881 Berlin, Germany. Aged 58.
  • Buried: 22-04-1881 Family grave, Old Catholic cemetery, Dresden, Germany.

Married to:

  • Catharina Huberta von Weber-Kramer (1822-1874)
  • Also: Katharina Huberta Kramer.
  • Born: 07-09-1822 Koln, Germany.
  • Married 27-04-1846 Dresden, Germany.
  • Children: 3. Mother of Karl von Weber (1849-1897).
  • Died: 30-01-1874 Vienna, Austria. Aged 50.
  • Buried: Family grave, Old Catholic cemetery, Dresden, Germany.

Generation 3:

Married to:

Generation 4:

First child:

  • Katharina Mathilde Maria Maximiliane von Weber- von Witzleben (1878-1946)
  • Also: Catharina Mathilde Maria Maximiliane Frein von Weber.
  • Prosession:
  • Born: 07-08-1878 Berlin, Germany.
  • Died: 05-12-1946 Oldenburg, Germany. Aged 68.
  • Buried:

Second child:

  • Adolf Eduard Max Maria Herbert von Weber (1879-1914)
  • Profession: Military.
  • Born: 1879.
  • Died: 27-09-1914 Chevreux, France, in action. Aged 35.
  • Buried: Corteny.

Third child:

  • Marion Maria Ellen Mathilde von Weber (1881-1956)
  • Profession: She managed (after the death of her mother in1931) until 1956 the Weber archive (with autographs C. M. von Webers and family portraits) and saved most valuables during WW II.
  • Born: 14-04-1881 Dresden, Germany.
  • Died: 21-07-1856 Dresden, Germany.
  • Married: No.
  • Children: No.

Marion Maria Ellen Mathilde von Weber (1881-1956).

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