Marie Kramer-Wiedl (1860-1926)

Also: Marie Widl, Kraemer, Marie Krämer-Wiedl, Kraemer-Widl

After singing publicly in her hometown at the age of 12, she began singing at the Vienna Conservatory (Marchesi, Gänsbacher, Strakosch) from 1874 and received an engagement with the Court Opera through Jauner, which she did not perform until after appearances in Graz and Prague in 1876. She was the daughter of a real estate owner. 

After working in Leipzig and other German cities, she went on tour through Holland and North America with her husband August K. (s. d.). In 1888-1893 she sang in Graz, but then retired from the stage to devote herself to the music school run by her and her husband. The focus of her repertoire was decidedly high drama. Territory (Wagner, Beethoven’s “Leonore”), but she also sang women’s roles of Mozart, Bellinis and Donizettis.

Debut in the New York Metropolitan Opera (MET) on 12-02-1885. Queen of Sheba under Anton Seidl (1850-1898).

1885 and 1886 at the MET.

Toured in America and the Netherlands.

Letter by Gustav Mahler currently in Hamburg.

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