Gustav Singer (1867-1944)

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Gustav Singer (1867-1944)

  • Profession: Internist, Specialist in intestinal troubles at the Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus
  • Residences: Brno, London
  • Relation to Mahler: Treated Gustav Mahler, Mahlers physician. Year 1901
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 28-02-1867 Brno
  • Died: 03-12-1944 London
  • Buried: 00-00-0000

Was called by Justine (Ernestine) Rose-Mahler (1868-1938) the night after 1901 Opera Vienna 24-02-1901. Later Julius Hochenegg (1859-1940) took over. Natalie Bauer-Lechner (1858-1921) present.

Singer Gustav, internist. Born Brno, Moravia (Brno, Czech Republic), February 28, 1867; died London (Great Britain), December 3, 1944; mos., from 1907 roman cath. – Stud. From 1884 med. At the Univ. Vienna; 1890 Dr. med. First completed a traineeship at the Klinik Nothnagel (see below). S. its practical and theoretical.

Training v. a. in bacteriol. also under Anton Weichselbaum and E. Ludwig (s. d.) and was 1895-97 assistant at the 1st med. Dept. of Wr. AKH. 1899 Priv. Doc. for internal med., in 1903 he became a primary doctor at the Elisabeth Hospital, in 1905 head of the 1st med. Dept. of Rudolf Hospital. 1911 ao., 1912 o. Prof., 1924 HR. In 1937 his teaching license at the Univ. Vienna, 1938 he emigrated to London.

His merit lies in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive and metabolic diseases. S., author of numerous scientific dep. also about infectious diseases, also dealt with the etiolog. Basics of individual skin diseases, the relationship of dermatol. for internal med. and undertook study and lecture tours through Germany, England, Italy and Spain.

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