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Moritz Nahr (1859-1945).

  • Profession: Photographer. Secession (member).
  • Residences:
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 04-08-1859
  • Married: Antonie, piano teacher.
  • Died: 29-06-1945. Aged 86.
  • Buried: 06-07-1945 Baumgarten cemetery, Vienna, Austria. Grave K1-41. With his wife.

Moritz Nähr, Naehr, Neer, was an Austrian photographer. Nahr was a friend of the members of the Vienna Secession art group. He is best known for his portraits of Gustav Klimt and Ludwig Wittgenstein.

He was a  photographer who worked closely with members of the art movement ‘Vienna Secession’, which was of course generously supported by Ludwig’s father, Karl Wittgenstein. In particular, Naehr took many photographs of art works by artists of the Vienna Secession for catalogues. Naehr was a Wittgenstein family friend and the family owns several photoalbums with family portraits taken by him. 

Gustav Mahler by Moritz Nahr (1859-1945).

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) by Moritz Nahr (1859-1945).

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) by Moritz Nahr (1859-1945).

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