Alexander from Serbia (1876-1903)
Year 1900. King Alexander from Serbia (1876-1903) and Queen Draga. Profession: King of Serbia. Relation to Mahler:  Correspondence with Mahler:  Born: 14-08-1876 ...
Antonie Roell (1864-1940)
Antonie Roell (1864-1940). Profession: Mayor of Amsterdam (1910-1915), Commissioner of the King for the province of North Holland (1915-1940), Relation to ...
Franz Josef I, Emperor (1830-1916)
Franz Josef I, Emperor (1830-1916) in 1898. Profession: Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. Austria-Hungary. Residences: Vienna. Relation to ...
Furst Alfred von Montenuevo (1854-1927)
  Furst Alfred von Montenuevo (1854-1927). Profession: Court official. Residences: Vienna, Salzburg Relation to Mahler: Hofopera, Vienna. Correspondence with Mahler: ...
Georges Picquart (1854-1914)
Georges Picquart (1854-1914). Profession: Politician, Minister of War. Residences: Paris. Relation to Mahler: Correspondence with Mahler: Born: 06-09-1854 Strasbourg, France ...
Graf Gyula Szapáry de Muraszombath (1832-1905)
Graf Gyula Szapáry de Muraszombath (1832-1905) Profession: Politician Hungary Residences: Budapest Relation to Mahler: Mahler was invited by Graf Gyula ...
No photo. Gustav Schwarz. Profession: Estate administrator Maravany (Morawan). Residences: Moravany, Manor house. Relation to Mahler: Discovery of talents Gustav Mahler. Year 1875 ...
Paul Painleve (1863-1933)
Paul Painleve (1863-1933). Profession: Ingenieur, French Defence minister. Residences: Lille, Paris. Relation to Mahler: Correspondence with Mahler: Born: 05-12-1863 Paris, ...
Prince Henry of the Netherlands (1876-1934)
Prince Henry of the Netherlands (1876-1934) of the Netherlands. In the Netherlands called "Prins Hendrik". Profession: Prince of The Netherlands. Relation ...
Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein (1838-1908)
1895. Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein (1838-1908). Profession: Monarch, Court official (Obersthofmeister) in Vienna. Relation to Mahler: Employer of August Plappart von Leenheer ...
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