Georg Zottmayr (1869-1941).

  1. 1906 Opera Vienna 09-02-1906
  2. 1906 Opera Vienna 18-03-1906

Georg Zottmayr was the son of the bass baritone Ludwig Zottmayr (1828-1899) and the Hamburg soprano Euphrosyne Stanko (1831-1890). His uncle Max Zottmayr (1833-1905) was also a singer, but tenor. Georg was educated by his parents.

Zottmayr began his career as a concert singer before turning to opera. His debut was in 1898. He sang each a season in Zittau, Lübeck, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Basel and Mulhouse. 1905-1910 Zottmayr was seen and heard in the Prague Koniglich Deutsches Landestheater. In 1910 Zottmayr was appointed to the Royal Court Theater Dresden, later Saxon State Theater. He was a royal Saxon court opera singer and worked until 1924 as a bassist in various roles, such as King Henry, Sarastro, Commander or Prince Gremin. He was particularly brilliant in his Wagner roles.

Zottmayr also gave several guest appearances – in Berlin, Munich, Brussels and other big stages. For example, in 1913 he performed in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis in the Großes Musikvereinssaal Wien under Bruno Walter, together with Erik Schmedes, Flore Luithlen-Kalbeck and Gertrude Förstel (pupil of Selma Nicklass-Kempner). In July 1914 he sang the Hermit in Weber’s Freischütz next to Lotte Lehmann at the Sopot Festival in the local forest opera.

In 10-1920, Zottmayr performed in the Frauenkirche together with important soloists such as Elisabeth Rethberg, Richard Tauber and others at the Dresden premiere of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 under Kurt Striegler.

Since 1928 he was singing teacher at the Dresden Conservatory, founded in 1856 predecessor of the College of Music Carl Maria von Weber Dresden. From 03-05-1929 there is an unpublished record of the Flying Dutchman with Zottmayr, Meta Seinemeyer and Robert Burg at Parlophone, matrix no. 2-21399.

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