• Chronology: Year 1904
  • Location: Rosengarten
  • Nature: Sixth musical academy 
  • Program: Mahler
  • Composition Mahler:

Year 1904. Letter by Gustav Mahler about Symphony No. 3.

To an unnamed correspondent in Mannheim, accepting his invitation to give a concert on 02-02-1904 (1904 Concert Mannheim 02-02-1904 – Symphony No. 3), explaining that the director of music will be in touch with him concerning the details, suggesting his Symphony No. 3 as suitable music to fill the evening, outlining the forces required (stressing the importance of the boys’ chorus), which he notes should pose no difficulties for Mannheim, observing that the alto solo can be procured from the theatre, and stating that his usual honorarium is 1000 Marks.

…Als…Abendfüllende Programm musik schlage ich Ihnen meine III. Symphonie vor, zu der allerdings ein Frauen- und Knabenchor nöthig ist, dessen Anschaffung Ihnen im…Mannheim…nicht schwer fallen wird. – Der darin vorkommende Altsolo wird sich vom Theater anschaffen lassen…

2 pages, 8vo (c.17.5 x 11cm), integral blank, no place or date [late 1903 or early 1904], creasing at corners.

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