August Siebert (1856-1938) in The Prill quartet (Karl Prill (1864-1931), Joseph Sulzer, Anton Ruzitska and August Siebert (1856-1938))

  • Profession: Violinist.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 07-12-1856 Vienna, Austria.
  • Died: 13-12-1938 Vienna, Austria.
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 
  1. 12-09-1876 Year 1876 c008. 1876 Concert Jihlava 12-09-1876 – Sonata for violin and piano, Quartet for piano, 2 violins and viola (piano).

Member of the Rose Quartet: The four who came together for the 1882-1883 season were Arnold and Eduard Rosé, with Julius Egghard and Anton Loh taking the inner parts. They made their Viennese debut at the Bösendorfer Hall in January 1883 – when their leader was still a teenager – and immediately created an impression; though one of their provincial concerts drew the priceless comment from the local rag: ‘It is to be hoped that the young artists will soon be in a position to augment their small orchestra.’ By the end of the decade the second violin was being played by August Siebert, the viola by Sigmund Bachrich and the cello by Reinhold Hummer, described by Flesch as ‘incomparable’. (It was this line-up which unanimously refused to play Hugo Wolf’s D minor Quartet – partly, one suspects, because Wolf the critic had written rudely about both Rosé and Bachrich.) Rose QuartetEduard Rose (1859-1943)Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946).

Besuchte 1868/69 und 1873-1876 das Konservatorium der GdM, wo er bei J. Hellmesberger d. Ä. Violine studierte, und gehörte 1878–1925 den Wiener Philharmonikern an; ab 1899 Ballettorchesterdirektor und 1. Sologeiger. 1878 wurde S. Exspektant, ab 1889 war er wirkliches Mitglied der HMK (bis nach 1921). Er widmete sich intensiv der Kammermusik (1878-1889 im Quartett von F. Radnitzky und 1889-1897 im Quartett von A. Rosé [gemeinsam mit H. Steiner v. Eltenberg und Reinhold Hummer] sowie im Prill Quartett (Karl Prill (1864-1931))) und war auch als viel gefragter Violin- und Kammermusiklehrer tätig.

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