Victor von Herzfeld (1856-1920).

  • Profession: Violinist, composer
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 08-10-1856 Pozsony, Austria-Hungary
  • Died: 19-02-1920 Budapest, Hungary
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 Kerepesi Cemetery, Budapest

Mentioned by Natalie Bauer-Lechner (1858-1921).

Victor von Herzfeld was a Hungarian violinist and composer. He studied at the University of Vienna in law and at the Music Academy of Vienna music where he won first prize for both composition and violin playing.

In 1884, he was awarded the Beethoven prize of the Society of the Friends of Music. He studied in Berlin with Eduard Grell and in 1886 went to Budapest as Professor in the Music Academy. He was second violin in the original Budapest Quartet established by David Popper and Jen? Hubay.

Ern? Dohnányi dedicated his Sonata in C? minor for violin and piano, Op. 21 (1912) to Von Herzfeld. While serving as the music critic of the “Neue Pester Journal” he wrote a negative review of his friend and colleague Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)‘s Sympony No. 1. (1889 Concert Budapest 20-11-1889 – Symphony No. 1 (Premiere)).

He is the author of a 1915 article on Robert Volkmann.

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