“Zu den drei Fürsten” where Gustav Mahler performed.

Sources from the 1500’s refer to an inn named Wild Man (“U Diveho Muze”) in the location. After a reconstruction in 1825 the inn was renamed to “Three Counts”. The large assembly hall on the third floor was used for theater performances.

The son of the owner of the house, Hans Bruckmuller (1862-1935), was another young musician, who composed a number of musical works and was a friend of Gustav Mahlers.

1876. Jihlava. Hotel Zu den drei Fursten (Masarykovo square Nos. 44/1189, Hauptplatz No. 371).

The original name of the inn (used since the 16th century) was far less distinguished – Wild Man’s Inn (“U Diveho Muze”). In 1825, the inn was renamed to its current name, which is believed to refer to the stay of marshal Bernadotte, the commander of the 1st corps of Napoleon’s great army, in 1805; his adversary, the Austrian archduke Ferdinand, who took over Bernadotte’s guest room following the victory of Austria in the battle at Stoku; and possibly the stay in Jihlava of the Saxon king in 1815. In 1585, the national convention of the four professional federations of the Margraviate of Moravia took place in the inn.

Jihlava. Hotel Zu den drei Fursten (Masarykovo square Nos. 44/1189, Hauptplatz No. 371). Concert poster 1876.

Jihlava. Hotel Zu den drei Fursten (Masarykovo square Nos. 44/1189, Hauptplatz No. 371).

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