Lower provincial school in original state (1860) later School Higher Technical Secondary (Svobody square Nos. 1/127, Kempen Platz No. 206).

The entrance to the cemetery of the St Spirit Church before its abolition at the beginning of 1890s as Gustav Mahler saw it (today Smetana Park).

Vrchlického 1921/1. Villa Johan I. Near Smetana Park. The Pseudo-Renaissance Protestant Church of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren represents the villa architecture of the late 19th century. The richly decorated facade of the storey building was replaced in the 1970s by a bicholite plaster. The exposed building presents a somewhat more interesting historicizing architecture from the end of the 19th century. The Pseudo-Renaissance building from 1883, with a significantly unchanged layout, was originally decorated with a richly decorated facade and set in a large park. In the 70s of the 20th century, the facade was replaced with a bicholite plaster, and the park with a stylish fencing was destroyed during the construction of panel houses. In the middle of the 20th century a modernization change of the interior took place and insensitive building interventions significantly reduced the monumental values and led to the loss of authenticity. Built in 1883-1884. Gustav Mahler could see its construction during his last visits. Today Evangelical rectory.

Vrchlického 1921/1.

Vrchlického 1921/1.

Dvo?ákova 1924/11. Raynoch villa (1880). Between Smetana Park and Mahler Park. Gustav Mahler could see it during his last visit as new building. Today Now Kindergarten.

Dvo?ákova 1924/11.

Dvo?ákova 1924/11.

Dvo?ákova 1924/11.

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