• Neue Gasse.
  • Benešova (Street) No 1.

The house with Wenzel Mikisch´s photostudio, where the first known portrait of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) was made in Year 1895.

“Fotografisches Atelier des Wenzel Mikisch in Iglau, Neue Gasse gegenuber dem israel. Tempel.”

Year 1865. The first known photograph of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), age 5 or 6, holding a piece of music. His vivid recollection of the picture-taking session is described as follows: Bursting into tears, the terrified youth refused to be photographed. He was convinced he would be whisked into the camera by the photographer’s magic spell and forever stuck to a sheet of cardboard. Only after he watched in awe as the photographer had his own picture taken and survived the experience was the youngster finally persuaded to pose.

Backside of the first known photograph of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911).

1905. Schillerova (Benesova street).

Corner house Benešova 1, the seat of atelier Photostudio Mikisch, the first known photo of Gustav Mahler was taken here.

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