Innsbruck is the capital city of the federal state of Tyrol (Tirol) in western Austria. It is located in the Inn Valley at the junction with the Wipptal (Sill River), which provides access to the Brenner Pass, some 30 km (18.6 mi) to the south. Innsbruck lies about half way between Munich (Germany) and Verona (Italy). Located in the broad valley between high mountains, the so-called North Chain in the Karwendel Alps (Hafelekarspitze, 2,334 metres or 7,657 feet) to the north, and the Patscherkofel (2,246 m or 7,369 ft) and Serles (2,718 m or 8,917 ft) to the south.

The Innsbruck Tram network is currently organised over three routes (numbered 1,3 and 6) and has a total length of 19.5 km (12.1 mi). Electrification of the service dates back to 1905, which was rather late in the day by standards of comparable cities elsewhere in Austria.

1910. City of Innsbruck.

1910. City of Innsbruck.

City of Innsbruck. Brennerbahn. Silltal with Serles.

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