House Krzyzanowski (Weilheimer No. 236, Starnberg)

  1. Since 1883 (after his marriage) he lived in Starnberg in House No. 15 Villa Velicitas (owner Joachim). Now Perchastrasse No. 1.
  2. Since 1886 (after his son Ottfried was born at 25-06-1886) he lived in House Krzyzanowski (Weilheimer No. 236, Starnberg), corner Weilheimer and Dinard strasse. Owner house is Marx. Lager house. Room to invite guests to stay for the night. House demolished. 
  3. In the 1890’s Heinrich Krzyzanowski (1855-1933) moved with his family to Berlin.
  4. 07-1898 Back in Munich.

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