Address: Outside of the city of Humpolec (Gumpolds), not far from Orlík Castle. Today, the Jewish cemetery is part of the B?ezina nature trail, and can be visited by appointment with the conservator, or keys to the cemetery can be borrowed at the Tourist Information Centre on Havli?kovo nám?stí Square.

Etablished in the early 18th (1716) century and served the surrounding Jewish towns as well (Kališt?, Lipnice, Želiv, etc.). It was later expanded twice. Roughly 1,000 valuable Baroque and Classicist headstones have survived. Many of them are valuable art pieces. Of note are the headstones of a number of figures such as the grandparents of composer Gustav Mahler, as well as the grandfather of writer Franz Kafka. At the entrance, there is a so-called “beitstube,” which is a ceremonial room in which the deceased are ritually cleaned prior to burial. The last burial took place here in 1948. The tombstone situated near the entrance with a cryptogram belongs to the Mahler family.


Freund family grave: West corner of the cemetery:

Humpolec, Jewish cemetery.

Humpolec, Jewish cemetery.

Humpolec, Jewish cemetery.

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