1879 Concert Vienna 22-11-1879 (piano)

  • Chronology: Year 1879
  • Location: Cottage-Casino of the Cottage-Verein in Wahring
  • Nature: First concert
  • Program: Beethoven, Mozart, Godefroid, Verdi, Schumann, Anonymous, Chopin, Bach, Leschetizky, Schumann, Sucher
  • Composition Mahler: No
  • Soloist: Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) (piano), Ida GassebnerGeorg Schutte-Harmsen (1853-1903)
  • Conductor: No
  • Orchestra: No
  • Chorus: No
  • Concert number: c12a
  • Notes: The Cottage Association in the northern district of Vienna was founded in 1873. Mahler rented a room in a villa, Karl-Ludwig strasse 24, in the autumn of 1879
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