• Year 1883.
  • Period: 03-1883 to 04-04-1883.
  • Address: Technikerstrasse No. 9, 3rd stairs, 1st floor, door 24.
  • District number: IV. Near Karlskirche.
  • District name: Wieden.
  • Map Districts of Vienna.

Mentioned in a letter to Friedrich Fritz Lohr (1859-1924) on 28-11-1885 (Year 1885). Mahler worked at the Karlstheater.

1883-1883 House Gustav Mahler Vienna – Technikerstrasse No. 9.

Residential building, built in 1789 (reconstruction 1836); Chapel niches with Johann Nepomuk statue (Kreuzherrenkapelle). The house came in 1765 to the imperial bush-tensioner Josef Fruhwirt, whose son Johann here 1798 the Fruhwirtsche rifle factory opened (first production site of the Zündnadelgewehrs and the Hinterlader), which had until the establishment of the Werndl rifle factory (1872) great importance. Here lived 1825/1826 Franz Schubert (1797-1828) (plaque); The sculptors Johann Nepomuk Schaller and Karl Schwerzek had their studios here. Street named after the Technical School.

1907. 1883-1883 House Gustav Mahler Vienna – Technikerstrasse No. 9.

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