Vlasimsky zamecky park. English style castle Park.

Vlašim Park established around 1775. At that time, Prince Carl Joseph and Maria Josepha of Auersperg owned the manor and thus later on, not understanding the symbolic nature of the park, historians credited the couple with authorship of the park. During early stages of its creation, the park was decorated with a lot of fabriques – fine pieces of garden architecture, e.g. Ancient gazebo, Gothic castle, Turkish mosque, grotto, Chinese pavilion, Turkish baths, hermitage, etc.

Park with a Chinese summerhouse from the end of the 18th century that might have played a role in inspiring Gustav Mahler to put Chinese poems to music (Das Lied von der Erde). English style chateau park with three ports (brána) and Chinese Pavilion (Pavilon Cínský). Mahler dreamed of this landscape, which he remembered from his youthful years, “My whole life is actually a longing for home.”

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

Vlasim Castle Park

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