Franz Gaul (1837-1906).

  • Profession: Stagedesigner, costumedesigner, painter and caricaturist.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 29-07-1837 Margareten 166, Vienna
  • Died: 03-07-1906 Schönburggasse 2, Vienna. Aged 68.
  • Buried: 00-00-0000 Hinterbrühl cemetery, Hinterbrühl, Austria

Franz Xaver Gaul. Brother of Gustav Gaul.

At first a battle painter, he later had ever closer ties to the theater and, from 1867 to 1900, managed the furnishing of the Wr. Hofoper. He also created some scenes. Arrangements as well as independent ballets and festivals.

Vienna State Opera.

Mentioned by Natalie Bauer-Lechner (1858-1921).

Franz Gaul (1837-1906). Costume for Hagen (Nibelungen).

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