A house where Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) operated a pub he rented from Johann Hofbauer. His brother David Mahler (1838-1911) also lived here. Now Mahler Pension “Na Hradbach”. 

Jihlava. Pub Bernard Mahler (Brnenska street Nos. 19/31, Bohm Gasse No. 135).

Jihlava. Pub Bernard Mahler (Brnenska street Nos. 19/31, Bohm Gasse No. 135).

Jihlava. Pub Bernard Mahler (Brnenska street Nos. 19/31, Bohm Gasse No. 135).

Jihlava. Pub Bernard Mahler (Brnenska street Nos. 19/31, Bohm Gasse No. 135).

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