Mahler used to visit the surroundings of Caslav (Easlav, Caslau) until the death of both of his parents in 1889. 

Cáslav is a town in eastern part of Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.

The history of Cáslav begins after the year 800 with the founding of a citadel and settlement called Hrádek. Near Hrádek, a new town with huge square was founded by King P?emysl Otakar II in 1250. In 1421, Bohemian parliament debated in Cáslav and voted new a Hussite government. During the Thirty Years’ War, in 1639 and 1642, Cáslav was devastated and burnt down by Swedish troops. In 1751 Cáslav became the centre of region (county). Cáslav Museum, one of the oldest regional museums in Bohemia was founded in 1864. In 1910, part of the cranium of famous Hussite general Jan Žižka z Trocnova was discovered in áslav parish church.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

City of Caslav.

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