1860-1872 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava - Znojemska street Nos. 4/1089 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 265)
Year 1860. Year 1861. Year 1862. Year 1863. Year 1864. Year 1865. Year 1866. Year 1867. Year 1868. Year 1869 ...
Chronology: Year 1870 Location: Stadttheater (Komenskeho street Nos. 24/1357, Spital Gasse No. 4) Nature: Non subscription evening Program: Not known Composition Mahler: ...
Chronology: Year 1871 Location: School German Gymnasium (Hluboka street Nos. 1/109, Nonnengaschen 608), Festsaal. Nature: In celebration of Franz Grillparzer's 80th birthday ...
Chronology: Year 1872 Location: School German Gymnasium (Hluboka street Nos. 1/109, Nonnengaschen 608), Festsaal Nature: Concert in commemoration of Friedrich Schiller's birthday ...
1872-1889 House Gustav Mahler Jihlava - Znojemska street Nos. 6/1088 (Pirnitzer gasse No. 264)
Year 1872. Year 1873. Year 1874. Year 1875. Year 1876. Year 1877. Year 1878. Year 1879. Year 1880. Year 1881 ...
Chronology: Year 1873 Location: Hotel Czap (Zizkova street Nos. 15/1696, Sct. Johann's Platz No. 50/51), Kleiner Fest-Saal Nature: In celebration of the ...
1873 Concert Jihlava 20-04-1873 (piano)
Chronology: Year 1873 Location: Stadttheater (Komenskeho street Nos. 24/1357, Spital Gasse No. 4) Nature: In celebration of the marriage between Archduchess Gisele ...
1876 Concert Jihlava 12-09-1876 - Sonata for violin and piano, Quartet for piano, 2 violins and viola (piano)
Chronology: Year 1876 Location: Hotel Czap (Zizkova street Nos. 15/1696, Sct. Johann's Platz No. 50/51), Grosser Fest Saal Nature: Benefit concert organized ...
Chronology: Year 1876 Location: Hotel Czap (Zizkova street Nos. 15/1696, Sct. Johann's Platz No. 50/51), Grosser Fest Saal Nature: Concert of the Jihlava ...
Chronology: Year 1879 Location: Stadttheater (Komenskeho street Nos. 24/1357, Spital Gasse No. 4) Nature: Festive concert in celebration of the silver wedding ...
Chronology: Year 1883 Location: Stadttheater (Komenskeho street Nos. 24/1357, Spital Gasse No. 4) Nature: For the benefit of the Austrian branch of ...
Central cemetery (Zizkova street Nos. 95/1866, Batellauer Gasse No. 33)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Also: Ustredni hrbitov, Zentral Friedhof, Catholic cemetery, ...
Church of St Ignatius of Loyola (Masarykovo square, Hauptplatz)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) German: Kirche St. Ignatius von Loyola. Central ...
Church of St James the Greater (Jakubske square, Sct. Jakob's Platz)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Church of St James (Jacob) the Greater ...
City of Iglau map 1876 (German)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German), Moravia. Detail of the map of Jihlava ...
City of Jihlava (Iglau)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) City of Jihlava articles Jihlava or Iglau ...
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German), Moravia. Jihlava. City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, ...
Dominican monastery (Krizova street Nos. 4/112, Grosse Kreutzer Gasse No. 39)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English). City of Iglau map 1876 (German). Military barracks (Krizova street Nos. 2/111, Grosse ...
Factory Bernard Mahler locksmith (Benesova street Nos. 19/1253, Obere Sacher Gasse No. 452)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) A house where Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) operated his ...
Factory Bernard Mahler production alcohol (Komenskeho street Nos. 3/1322, Spital Gasse 493)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Year 1872. A house where Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) operated ...
Factory Bernard Mahler production vinegar (Vezni street Nos. 10/1250, Flederwisch Gasse No. 10)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Originally a malt house (moutery), rebuilt for ...
Factory Bernard Mahler warehouse (Masarykovo square Nos. 26/644, Masaryk Platz No. 171)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English). City of Iglau map 1876 (German), A house where Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) had his branch ...
Grocery Bernard Mahler (Brnenska street Nos 3/57, Bohm Gasse No. 90)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Grocery operated by Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) shortly after arriving ...
1860-1875 Childhood. Year 1884 08-1884. Year 1885 07-1885. Year 1886 07-1886. Year 1888 06-1888 and 08-1888. Year 1889 02-1889, 04-1889, 05-1889, 07-1889 and 10-1889. All ...
Gustav Mahler park (Benesova street, Obere Sacher Gasse)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) The park's central element is the statue ...
Hall of Singers (Hluboka street Nos. 7/106, Tiefegasse No. 201)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Jihlava Mannergesang-Verein Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917) A ...
Heulos park (Vychodne od mesta, Ostlich der Stadt)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) The former Heulos park in the romantic ...
Hotel Czap (Zizkova street Nos. 15/1696, Sct. Johann's Platz No. 50/51)
Year 1873 (small hall). Year 1876 (600 seats, big hall). City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English). City of Iglau map 1876 ...
Hotel Zu den drei Fursten (Masarykovo square Nos.  44/1189, Hauptplatz No. 371)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) "Zu den drei Fürsten" where Gustav Mahler ...
House Emil Freund (Masarykovo square Nos. 17/64, Hauptplatz No. 86)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) The house where Gustav Mahlers' friend Emil Freund ...
House Heinrich Fischer 1873-1874 (Mrstikova Nos. 1/1176, Schonmelzer Gasse No. 383)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) A house where Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917) was living ...
House Heinrich Fischer 1874 and thereafter (Palackeho street Nos. 13/1231, Breitegasse No. 423)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) A house where Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917) was living ...
House Jakob Sladky (Mincovny Nos. 9/85, Kleine Pfarr Gasse No. 67)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) House where Jakob Sladky lived. Jihlava. House Jakob Sladky (Mincovny ...
House Johann Brosch (Komenskeho street Nos. 23/1614, Spital Gasse No. 576)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) House where Johannes Brosch (1834) lived. Jihlava. House Johann ...
House Josef Kopfstein (Masarykovo square Nos. 25/643, Hauptplatz No. 170)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) House of Dr. Josef Kopfstein; Mahlers' family ...
House Josefine Poisl (Hluboka street Nos. 8/101, Nonnengaschen No. 50)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Jihlava. House Josefine Poisl (Hluboka street Nos. 8/101, ...
Jewish cemetery (U Cviciste Nos. 12/2070, Trainingsgelande)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Czech: Zidovsky hrbitov, German: Israelischen Friedhof. Location ...
See: Hall of Singers (Hluboka street Nos. 7/106, Tiefegasse No. 201). Heinrich August Fischer (1827-1917) ...
Jihlava railway station
Iglau Bahnhof, Iglau Nordwestbahnhof, Iglau Hauptbahnhof. Since Year 1871. Line between Iglau and Vienna. K.K. Priv. Osterr. Nordwestbahn. Via Znaim and ...
Mahler Festival 1931 Jihlava
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Gustav Mahlers' death. Saturday 21-03-1931.  Performing: Alma Maria Rose (1906-1944). Alma Prihodova-Rose. Prihoda. Mahlers niece ...
Mahrische Grenzbote
Period 1848-1945. Newspaper (since 1848) in German for the Iglau (Jihlava) region in Moravia with it's 75 German speaking enclaves ...
Masarykovo namesti (Masarykovo square, Hauptplatz)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) Main square. Jihlava. Masarykovo namesti (Masarykovo square, Hauptplatz) ...
Military barracks (Krizova street Nos. 2/111, Grosse Kreutzer Gasse No. 40)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English). City of Iglau map 1876 (German). Dominican monastery (Krizova street Nos. 4/112, Grosse ...
Lower provincial school in original state (1860) later School Higher Technical Secondary (Svobody square Nos. 1/127, Kempen Platz No. 206). The ...
Jihlava (1865-1877): Year 1865 - Gustav Mahler aged 5 - Jakob Sladky - Double-bass player. Year 1866 - Gustav Mahler aged 6 - Franz Viktorin (1888) - ...
Photostudio Mikisch
Neue Gasse. Benešova (Street) No 1. The house with Wenzel Mikisch´s photostudio, where the first known portrait of Gustav Mahler ...
Photostudio Staeger
Gebrüder Staeger. Brothers Staeger. Since 1870. Joštova No. 19. Untere Elkergasse 128/19. The house where the Brothers Staeger had a ...
Postoffice (Masarykovo  68-14)
Postoffice where the father of Josephine Poisl worked as Postmaster. Address: Masarykovo 83-17 (now 68-14). Josephine Poisl (1860- after 1880) ...
Pub Bernard Mahler (Benesova street Nos. 17/1254, Obere Sacher Gasse No. 451)
City of Jihlava map 2014 (Czech, English) City of Iglau map 1876 (German) A house where Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) operated his pub ...
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