Mahler in the Public Eye

January 9, 2021

  • Albrecht Schultze – Gustav Mahler Vereinigung in Hamburg
  • Alexander Meraviglia-Crivelli – Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra
  • Dame Eveline Nikkels

We will explore how Mahler is presented and perceived by the broader public.

An introduction to the Gustav Mahler Vereinigung in Hamburg by Albrecht Schultze, who will provide us with a profile of their society, its history, and activities.

A tour of the Mahler Museum that the Gustav Mahler Vereinigung helped curate and that recently opened in the Composers’ Quarter of Hamburg.

A talk with Alexander Meraviglia-Crivelli, General and Artistic Director of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra, based in Vienna, Austria, whose concerts and tours around the world have brought much-deserved attention to this ensemble of talented young musicians.

Our final guest is Dame Eveline Nikkels who was recently granted knighthood by the Dutch royal family for her work in promoting Mahler in The Netherlands.

Hosted by Morten Solvik

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