From the composing cottage Mahler could look out across the Puster Valley to the village Auflirchen, to Toblach to the east, and beyond it towards the grassy Ratsberg with its well-timbered flanks and the bare summit of the Toblacher Pfannhorn.

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

02-10-1957. 1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

02-10-1957. 1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

02-10-1957. 1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

1908-1910 Composing cottage near the Trenkerhof

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