• Year 1899
  • 1,700 seats
  • The Opéra Royal de Wallonie (Royal Opera of Wallonia)

1899 Concert Liege 22-01-1899 – Symphony No. 2

The foundation was laid in July 1818. It was built according to the design of the architect Auguste Duckers. The theater has a classicist architecture. The main facade is dominated by a marble colonnade and is bordered by a balustrade adorned with a gable.

Royal Theater

The Théâtre Royal de Liège was opened on 4 November 1820 and became the property of the town in 1852. In the statue on the square in front of the theater, the composer Andre Ernest Modeste Gretry (1741-1813) is depicted, by the sculptor Guillaume Geefs.

1911. Royal Theater.

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