Bertha Forster-Lauterer (1869-1936)

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Residences: Hamburg, Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 11-01-1869 Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Died: 09-04-1936 Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Buried: 00-00-0000

Also: Bertha Förster Lauterer, Bertha Foerster Lauterer, Berta Foerster Lauterova, Bertha Foerster Lauterer, Bertha Foerster Hádlík Lauterova Berta.

She made her debut in Prague in 1888. Two years later she married the composer Josef Bohuslav Förster. She sang in the world premiere of Dvorák’s Jakobin as well as other local premieres. She sang in Hamburg between 1893-1901 and made her Hofoper debut in 1901. There she sang a wide range of roles including Carmen, Santuzza, Frau Fluth, Nedda, Eva, and Sieglinde. She left the Hofoper in 1913 and retired from the stage the following year. She made titles for G&T as well as recordings for Odeon and Jumbo.

Married to Josef Bohuslaw Forster (1859-1951).

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