The 182nd evening of the season.

Vienna Premiere.

Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), Der Corregidor (for the 1st time this season).

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) made an Arrangement of the prelude to Der Corregidor. 

Deutsche Zeitung, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Fremden-Blatt, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Wiener Abendpost, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Neues Wiener Journal, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Neue Freie Presse, February 19, 1904 (Wien).
Wiener Abendpost, February 19, 1904 (Wien).

1904 Opera Vienna 18-02-1904.

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