Georgine Schwartze (1854-1935).

Georgine Elisabeth Schwartze was a Dutch sculpter. 

Georgine Schwartze came from an artistic family. Both her father Johann Georg Schwartze and her sister Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918) were painters. She studied at the Rijksakademie of Visual Arts and received lessons from, among others, August Allebé and Ferdinand Leenhoff. She was a member of Artists’ Association Sint Lucas and Arti et Amicitiae and won a gold medal at one of the Amsterdam exhibitions in 1895.

Schwartze gave lessons to Julie Mijnssen, Marie Cremers and others. She was involved with her sister in the organization of the exhibition ‘De Vrouw 1813-1913’ (The Woman 1813-1913).

Schwartze portrayed Queen Emma and Queen Wilhelmina, among others. A well-known work by her is the tomb that she made for her sister Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918). It has been standing on cemetery Nieuwe Ooster cemetery in Amsterdam since the sixties and is now a national monument.

Other works by Schwartze are furthermore a half-figure by Martin Luther, a chest piece by Herman Boerhaave and a plaque of J.C.A. Wertheim Salomonson. Materials: marble, bronze, plaster, terracotta.

1922. Burial monument by Georgine Schwartze (1854-1935) for Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918). Made from white marble from Carrara. The monument turned out to be too large for the tomb of Therese and has stood in various places in the city, including the Stedelijk Museum. Around 1960 the monument was transferred to the Nieuwe Ooster cemetery,

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