Robert Freund (1852-1936)

Robert Freund (1852-1936).

  • Profession: Pianist.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 01-04-1852 Budapest, ...
Robert Fuchs (1847-1927)

Robert Fuchs (1847-1927).

  • Profession: Composer, teacher.
  • Residences: Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: Mahlers teacher at the Vienna Conservatory.
  • Correspondence ...
Robert Hirschfeld (1858-1914)

No photo.

Robert Hirschfeld (1858-1914).

  • Profession: Critic Wiener Abendpost, musicologist
  • Residences: Vienna, Salzburg.
  • Relation to Mahler: Opponent. Reviews 1909, ...
Robert Josef Erben (1862-1925)

No photo.

Robert Josef Erben (1862-1925).

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Early daguerreotype 1850.

  • Profession: Pianist, composer.
  • Residences: Germany.
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 08-06-1810 Zwickau, ...
Robert Stolz (1880-1975)

Robert Stolz (1880-1975).

  • Profession: Composer, conductor. 
  • Residences:
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 25-08-1880 Graz, Austria.
  • Died: ...
Rosa Papier-Paumgartner (1858-1932)

Rosa Papier-Paumgartner (1858-1932).

  • Profession: Mezzo-soprano, alto, singing teacher.
  • Residences: Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: Friend.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: ...
Rosa Sucher (1849-1927)

Rosa Sucher (1849-1927).

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Residences: Munich, Berlin, Leipzig, New York City
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with gustav ...
Rudolf Bacher (1862-1945)

Rudolf Bacher (1862-1945).

  • Profession: Painter, graphic, sculpter. Secession (member).
  • Residences: Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: No.
  • Born: ...
Rudolf Kastner (1879-1948)

Rudolf Kastner (1879-1948).

  • Profession: Critic Berliner Morgenpost, Munchener Neueste Nachrichten (23-10-1904).
  • Residences: Berlin.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with ...
Rudolf Krzyzanowski (1859-1911)


Rudolf Krzyzanowski (1859-1911).

  • Profession: Conductor, composer
  • Residences: Cheb (Eger), Vienna, Prague.
  • Relation to Mahler: Close friend. Study ...
Rudolf Mengelberg (1892-1959)

Rudolf Pichler (1856-1925)

No photo.

Rudolf Pichler (1856-1925).

Rudolf Schirmer (1859-1919)

Rudolf Schirmer (1859-1919) (1919)

Rudolf Wittekopf (1863-1942)

Rudolf Wittekopf (1863-1942).

  • Profession: Bass.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 11-12-1863 Berlin, ...
Ruggero Leoncavallo (1857-1919)

Ruggero Leoncavallo (1857-1919).

  • Profession: Composer (opera).
  • Residences: Napels, Milan.
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 08-03-1857 Napels, ...
Saar de Swart (1861-1951)

Portret of Saar de Swart (1861-1951) by George Hendrik Breitner.

  • Profession: Sculptress.
  • Relation to Mahler: Meeting 27-10-1903, Year 1903
  • Correspondence ...
Samuel Untermyer (1858-1940)

Samuel Untermyer (1858-1940).

  • Profession: Lawyer, entrepreneur, financier. 
  • Residences: New York.
  • Relation to Mahler: Financier. Mahler contracts.
  • Correspondence with ...
Sandor Erkel (1846-1900)

Sandor Erkel (1846-1900)

  • Profession: Composer, conductor, director, timpanist
  • Residences: Budapest
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: 02-01-1846 Buda, Hungary
  • ...
Sarah Charles Cahier (1870-1951)

Sarah Charles Cahier (1870-1951).

  • Profession: Mezzo-soprano.
  • Residences: American.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • ...
Selma Kurz (1874-1933)

Selma Kurz (1874-1933) in 1900.

  • Profession: Soprano, mezzo-soprano.
  • Residences: Hamburg (1895, study), Vienna (1899-1927).
  • Relation to Mahler: Love affair ...
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943).
  • Profession: Pianist, composer.
  • Residences: St Petersburg, Moscow.
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 01-04-1873 Great ...
Sergej Prokofjev (1891-1953)

Sergej Prokofjev (1891-1953)Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) and Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978).

  • Profession: Composer.
  • Residences: St Petersburg, Paris, Moscow.
  • Relation to Mahler:
  • Correspondence ...
Siegfried Lipiner (1856-1911)

Siegfried Lipiner (1856-1911)

  • Profession: Philosopher, writer, poet, bookseller, library council, government council.
  • Residences: Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: Close ...
Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930)

Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930).

  • Profession: Composer
  • Relation to Mahler: In Year 1896 (09-08-1896 until 13-08-1893) Gustav Mahler saw him conducting ...
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)


Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).

  • Profession: Doctor of Medicine. Psychoanalyticus.
  • Residences:
    • Vienna: Berggasse 19.
    • London: Hampstead.
  • Relation ...

No photo

Sigmund Singer (1850-1913)

Silla Carobbi (1856-1933)

Silla Carobbi (1856-1933).

  • Profession: Baritone.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 1856.
  • Died: ...
Simon Reinink (1966)
Simon Reinink (1966).

No photo.

Sonja Kornfeld.

  • Profession: Singer.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: Unknown.
  • Died: ...
Sophie Bassermann
No photo. Sophie Bassermann.
  • Profession: Hofrath, Hofrat in Vienna
  • Relation to Mahler: Letter from Gustav Mahler
  • Correspondence with Mahler: ...
Sophie Clemenceau-Szeps (1862-1937)

The sisters Berta Zuckerkandl-Szeps (1864-1945) and Sophie Clemenceau-Szeps (1862-1937), Vienna approx. 1880.

  • Profession: 
  • Residences: Vienna, Paris.
  • Relation to Mahler: 
  • Correspondence ...

No photo.

Sophie Kollar (1862-1912).

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 03-05-1862 ...
Sophie Sedlmair (1857-1939)

 Sophie Sedlmair (1857-1939).

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler. Vienna State Opera.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: ...
Sophie Traubmann (1867-1951)

Sophie Traubmann (1867-1951).

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 17-05-1867 New ...

No photo.

Stephen Delwary.

  • Profession: Tenor.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: 00-00-1873.
  • Died: ...

No photo.

Stefan Wahl.

  • Profession: Violinist.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: Unknown.
  • Died: ...
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942)

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942).

  • Profession: Writer, playwright, journalist, biographer.
  • Residences: Vienna, London, New York, Brazil.
  • Relation to Mahler: Atlantic ...

No photo.

Stefanie Becker.

  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: Vienna, Austria.
  • ...
Theobald Pollak (1855-1912)

No photo.

Theobald Pollak (1855-1912).

  • Profession: Councilor Ministry of Railways Austria.
  • Relation to Mahler: Friend of Gustav and Alma Mahler ...
Theodor Bertram (1869-1907)

Theodor Bertram (1869-1907).

Theodor Billroth (1829-1894)

Theodor Billroth (1829-1894). Copyright: Bert and Judith van der Waal van Dijk (cbjvdwvd).

  • Profession: Doctor of Medicine. Surgeon. Amateur musician.
  • ...
Theodor Fischer (1859-1934)

No photo.

Theodor Fischer (1859-1934).

  • Profession: Lawyer, chief magistrate, Hofrat, Kreisgerichtsprasident, President of the Jihlava Court of Justice.
  • Relation to ...
Theodor Helm (1843-1920)

Year 1910Theodor Helm (1843-1920) and his daughter Mathilda.

  • Profession: Music critic at the Musikalisches Wochenblatt and the Deutsche Zeitung, ...
Theodor Hentschel (1830-1892)

Theodor Hentschel (1830-1892).

  • Profession: Conductor, composer.
  • Relation to Mahler: Collegue of Gustav Mahler in Hamburg.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: 
  • Born: ...
Theodor Reichmann (1849-1903)

Theodor Reichmann (1849-1903) wearing diamond horseshoe pin.

Photo: Wein Krziwanek Jschl Neubau Hofstallstrasse 5, nachts Hotel Holler Franzens Allee ...

No photo.

Theodor Wagner.

  • Profession: Singer.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: Unknown.
  • Died: ...
Theodore Spiering (1871-1925)

Theodore Spiering (1871-1925).

Therese Maria Saak (1869-1901). No photo.
  • Profession: Soprano.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler:
  • Born: ...
Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918)
Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918). Selfportrait 1917.
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