Autograph Sources

APD:      Autograph preliminary draft (for full movement or substantial part of one): orchestral works are mostly in Particelli; Lieder mostly v(oice) and p(iano)

AOD:      Autograph orchestral draft

AFC:      Autograph fair copies

CFC:      Copyist’s fair copy (included only when necessary)

FS:         Facsimile score


ACA       Amsterdam Concertgebouw Archive

ASI        Arnold Schoenberg Institute, Vienna, Austria

BBC       Biblioteca Bodmeriana, Cologny, Switzerland

BLL       British Library, London

BSB       Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz

BSM       Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich

CPA       Czech Philharmonic Archive, Prague

GMF      Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Library, Vienna

HLH       Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge

HNM      The Hague, Nederlands, Muziek Institut

IMG       Internationale Gustav Mahler Gesellschaft, Vienna

JNJ        Jerusalem, Jewish National and University Library

LCW      Library of Congress, Washington, DC

LPA       Library of the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, New York

MAS       Moldenhauer Archive, Spokane, Washington 

MMM     Médiatèque Musicale Mahler, Paris

NLC       Newberry Library, Chicago

NUE      Northwestern  University, Evanston, III., USA

ÖNB       Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna

PML       Pierpont Morgan Library, New York city

RWO      University of Western Ontario, Rosé room, London, Canada

SBW       Stadt- und Landesbibliothek, Vienna

SOU       Southampton University Library, Great Britain

SSB        Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel, Switzerland

SUL       Stanford University Library, Stanford, Calif.

UEA       Universal Edition Archive, Vienna

VSO       Vienna State Opera Archive

YUL       Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.


0. Piano Quartet movement in A minorNicht zu schnell. Entschlossen. AFC (1876), PML (Rosé bequest). Published Sikorsky, Hamburg, 1973. Critical edn., IGMG/UE, 1997. 1st public perf. (?) New York, 12 Jan. 1964, Peter Serkin and Galimir Quartet.

  1. 3 Lieder for tenor and piano (1880), poems by Mahler, dedicated to Josephine Poisl. AFC, RWO. 1st perf. Radio Brno, 30 Sept. 1934: Zdenek Knittl, tenor; Alfred Rosé, piano. AFC, RWO. 1st publ. critical edn. IGMG/UE 1990.
    (a) ‘Im Lenz’ (19 Feb. 1880)

(b) ‘Winterlied’ (27Feb. 1880)

(c) ‘Maitanz im Grünen’ (5 Mar. 1880), cf. 3e

2. Das klagende Lied, poem by Mahler. Original vers. (1880), in three parts, for soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass solos, chorus, and orchestra. CFC (with auto. corrections), YUL (Osborn col.); critical edn., IGMG/UE, 1999; 2nd critical edn. IGMG/UE 2011; 1st rev. (Dec. 1893). AFC, PML (Heineman col.); 2nd rev. (May 1899) (without a), for soprano, alto, tenor solos. 1st perf. Vienna, 17 Feb. 1901. Publ. Sept. 1902, Weinberger. Critical edn. (2-part version) IGMG/UE 1978.

(a) [‘Waldmärchen’ (omitted in 1893), for soprano, alto, tenor, bass solos. 1st perf. Radio Brno 26 Nov. 1934/Alfred Rosé. Publ. 1973, Belwin-Mills. Critical edn., IGMG/UE, 1999

(b) ‘Der Spielmann’. APD (21 Mar. 1880), SBW; AOD, (Mar. 1880), [1]  SBW.

(c) ‘Hochzeitsstück’ (Beg. of APD, Oct.-Nov. 1880, [2] J. Bruck col., NYC).

3.  5 Lieder for voice and piano (1880-7), forming Part I of Lieder und Gesänge, entitled        after Mahler’s death: Lieder aus der Jugendzeit, poems by Richard Leander, Mahler,           and Tirso de Molina; entitled, in the only known manuscript, ‘5 Gedichte komponiert von Gustav Mahler’. AFC, RWO. Publ. Feb. 1892, Schott. Critical edn. IGMG/Schott 1990.

(a) ‘Frühlingsmorgen’ (Richard Leander). 1st perf. Prague, 18 Apr. 1886

(b) ‘Erinnerung’ (Leander). 1st perf. Budapest, 13 Nov. 1889

(c) ‘Hans und Grete’ (Mahler), practically identical with 1c. lst perf. Prague, 18 Apr. 1886.

(d) ‘Serenade aus Don Juan’ (Tirso da Molina) [1887] 

(e) ‘Phantasie aus Don Juan’ (Tirso da Molina) [1887]

4. 4 Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen for voice and orchestra (1884-5), poems by Mahler. 1st surviving AFC, v & p, RWO; 1st surviving AFC, v & o, (1891–93), dated Dec. 1895, SSB. 1st perf. Berlin, 16 Mar. 1896. Publ. Dec. 1897, v & p and v & o, Weinberger. Revised edn. v & p (C. Matthews) Weinberger 1877, critical edn. v & o, IGMG/Weinberger 1982.

(a) ‘Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht’

(b) ‘Ging heut’ morgens übers Feld’

(c) ‘Ich hab’ ein glühend’ Messer’

(d) ‘Die zwei blauen Augen

[1] The date on the title page is autograph

[2] The year appears on the title page

5. First Symphony, D major (1885-8) [sketched as ‘Symphony I’ (1885) (GAM 99)]. 1st perf. ‘Symphonic poem in two parts’, Budapest, 20 Nov. 1889, CFC of 1st, 2nd and 5th movements, RWO. 1st rev. without (b) (Jan. 1893); 2nd rev. with (b) (16 Aug. 1893): ‘Symphony (Titan) in 5 movements (2 parts)’. AFC, YUL, (Osborn col.). 2nd perf. ‘Titan, symphonic poem in the form of a symphony’, Hamburg, 27 Oct. 1893: CFC, LPA (Walter col.). 3rd perf. Weimar, 3 June 1894. Final rev. without (b) (1896). CFC (1894-96), private coll.; CFC (1896-98), ÖNB. 4thperf. ‘Symphony in D major’, Berlin, 16 Mar. 1896. Publ. Dec. 1898, Weinberger; May 1906, UE (study score); 1910, UE: rev. edn 1912, UE; 1st critical edn. IGMG/UE 1967; 2nd critical edn. 1992; rev. 1995.

(a) Langsam, schleppend; Immer sehr gemächlich

      (bAndante alegretto [sic]. Blumine. AFC (16 Aug. 1893 renovatum), subsequently

         omitted. Publ. 1968. Presser.]
(c) Kräftig bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell. AFC (27 Jan. 1893 renovatum)

(d) Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen

(e) Stürmisch bewegt, Energisch. AFC (19 Jan. 1893 umgearbeitet).

6. Wunderhorn-Lieder for voice and piano (1887 or 88-90), forming Parts II & III of Lieder und Gesänge, entitled after Mahler’s death: Lieder aus der Jugendzeit. AFC, RWO. Publ. Feb. 1892, Schott. Critical edn. IGMG/Schott 1991.

(a) ‘Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen’: 1st perf. Berlin, 14 Dec. 1907

(b) ‘Ich ging mit Lust’

(c) ‘Aus! Aus!’: lst perf. Hamburg, 29 Apr. 1893.

(d) ‘Starke Einbildungskraft’

(e) ‘Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz’: AOD, unfinished, MMM

(f) ‘Ablösung im Sommer’: 1st perf. Berlin, 14 Dec. 1907

(g) ‘Scheiden und Meiden’: 1st perf. Budapest 13 Nov. 1889

(h) ‘Nicht Wiedersehen!’: 1st perf. Hamburg, 29 June 1892

(i) ‘Selbstgefühl’: 1st perf. Vienna, 15 Feb. 1900

7. Second Symphony, C minor (1888-94), with soprano, alto solos, and mixed chorus. 1 leaf of finale. AOD, AFC (18 Dec. 1894), private coll.; 1st perf. (a), (b), and (c) Berlin, 4 Mar. 1895. 1st complete perf. Berlin, 13 Dec. 1895. Publ. 1895, 2 pianos (Hermann Behn), Hofmeister; orch., 1897, Hofmeister & Weinberger; April 1906, U.E. Critical edn. IGMG/UE 1970; 2nd critical edn. 2010; FS edn. Kaplan Found., New York, 1986.

(a) Allegro maestoso (mit durchaus ernstem und feierlichem Ausdruck). 1st vers. AOD, incomplete (8 July 1888), JNJ; AFC (as Todtenfeier: 10 Sept. 1888), SSB. Final vers. (29 April 1894 renovatum).

(b) Andante moderato (Sehr gemächlich) (begun 1888). AOD (30 July 1893), (YUL, Osborn col.)

(c) In ruhig fliessender Bewegung. AOD (16 July 1893), PML (Lehman dep.).

(d) Urlicht (Sehrfeierlich aber schlicht), alto solo, from Des Knaben Wunderhorn (c.1892). AFC (19 July 1893), BLL (Zweig col.).

(e) Tempo des Scherzo. Wild herausfahrend; Kräftig; Langsam; Misterioso, poem by Friedrich Klopstock and Mahler. AOD (28 June 1894, [letters to Friedrich Löhr and Otto Mahler]); AFC (18 Dec. 1894).

8. Third Symphony, D minor (1895-6), with alto solo, women and children’s chorus. AFC (22 Nov. 1896), PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. (b), (c), (f) Berlin, 9 Mar. 1897. 1st complete perf. Krefeld, 9 June 1902. Rev. May 1899. Publ. 1899, Weinberger; Jan. 1906. UE. Critical edn. IGMG/UE 1974.

(a) KräftigEntschieden. AOD (28 June 1896, missing, NBL), AFC (17 Oct. 1896)

(b) Tempo di Menuetto (sehr mässig). AOD, ÖNB; AFC (11 Apr. 1896). 1st perf.: Berlin, 9 Nov. 1896/Nikisch. 4th perf.: Budapest, 31 Feb. 1897.

(c) Comodo, Scherzando, Ohne Hast. AOD, PML (Cary coll.); AFC (25 Apr. 1896).

(d) Sehr langsam, Misterioso, alto solo ‘O Mensch!’, poem by Nietzsche (summer 1895). AOD, PML (Cary col.); v& p (summer 1896), LCW.

(e) Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck, also solo, women and children’s chorus: ‘Es sungen drei Engel’, from Des Knaben Wunderhorn. AOD, v & o, ([18] Aug. 1895), PML (Cary col.); AFC (8 May 1896), PML (Lehman dep.).

(f) Langsam, Ruhevoll. Empfunden. AFC (22 Nov. 1896).

9. Wunderhorn-Lieder for voice and orchestra [or piano] (1892-8) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (10d) entitled in 1892:  5 Humoresken. Publ. 1899-1900, Weinberger. Critical edn., v & p, IGMG/UE 1993; v & o, IGMG/UE 1998. New critical ed., v & p,. IGMG/UE 2008; New critical ed., v & o, IGMG/UE, 2010.

(a) ‘Der Schildwache Nachtlied’ (1888?): APD, LCW; AFC, v & o (28 Jan. 1892), BSB; AFC, v & p (by 26 Apr. 1892), GMF. 1st perf. Berlin, 12 Dec. 1892.

(b) ‘Verlorne Müh’: AFC, v & p, MAS; AFC, v & p (1 Feb. 1892), BSB; AFC, v & o, GMF. 1st perf. Berlin, 12 Dec. 1892.

(c) ‘Trost im Unglück’: APD, v & p, BSM (Moldenhauer Archive); AFC, v & p (22 Feb. [1892]), BSB; AFC, v & o (26 Apr. 1892), GMF. 1stperf. Hamburg, 27 Oct. 1893.

(d) ‘Wer hat dies Liedlein erdarcht?’: AFC, v & p (6 Feb. 1892) BSB; AFC, v & o, GMF. 1st perf. Hamburg, 27 Oct. 1893.

(e) ‘Das irdische Leben’ (1893: NBL1. 10; NBL2. 27): APD, priv. col. (Newlin), USA; AFC, v & o, PML (Cary col.). 1st perf. 14 Jan. 1900, Vienna.

(f) ‘Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt’: AFC, v & p (8 July 1893), PML (Lehman dep.); AFC, v & o (1 Aug. 93), HLH. 1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905.

(g) ‘Rheinlegendchen’: AFC, v & p (9 Aug. 1893), BSB; AFC, v& o (10 Aug. 1893), PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. Hamburg, 27 Oct. 1893.

(h) ‘Lied des Verfolgten im Turm’: AFC, v & p (July 1898), PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905.

(i) ‘Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen’: AFC, v & p (July 1898), PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. Vienna, 14 Jan. 1900.

(j) ‘Lob des hohen Verstandes’: APD in E, entitled ‘Lob der Kritik’ (14 June 1896); APD (21 June 1896), BSM (Moldenhauer Archives). 1stperf. Vienna, 3 Feb. 1905.

(k) ‘Es sungen drei Engel’ (summer 1895, cf. 8e): FC: v & p, sold at Sotheby’s 2006.

(l) ‘Urlicht’, AFC, v & o (19 July 1893): BLL (Zweig col.). Cf. 7d.

10. Fourth Symphony, G major (1899-1900), with soprano solo. AFC, GMF. Complete preliminary drafts and orchestral drafts of (a), (b), and (c)broken up and dispersed, now in ÖNB, PML, BMG, BSM (Moldenhauer Archives), SUL & NLC. 1st perf. Munich, 25 Nov. 1901. Last rev. July 1910. Publ. Jan. 1902, Doblinger; Jan. 1906, UE. Critical edn. IGMG/UE 1963, corrected edn., IGMG/UE 1995.

(a) Bedächtig, nicht eilen ((1899-1900).

(b) In gemächlicher Bewegung, ohne Hast. AFC (5 Jan. 1901).

(c) Ruhevoll (Poco Adagio). Partial AOD (6 [5] Aug. 1900), BSM, Moldenhauer Archive & MMM; AFC (5 Jan. 1901).

(d) Sehr behaglich, soprano solo: ‘Wir geniessen die himmlischen Freunden’, from Des Knaben Wunderhorn. AFC/orig. song, v & p (10 Feb. 1892), BSB; AFC/id., v & o (12 Mar. 1892), GMF. 1st separate perf. Hamburg, 27 Oct. 1893. Orch. Rev. 1900.

11. 7 Lieder entitled, after Mahler’s death, Aus letzter Zeit.

     (A) 2 Wunderhorn-Lieder for voice and orchestra [or piano] (1899-1901). Publ. Aug. 1905,          Kahnt. Critical edn., v & p and v & o, IGMG/Kahnt, 1984.

(a) ‘Revelge’ (June/July 1899: NBL2: 135) CFC, v & o, LPA (Walter col.) 1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905.

  (b) ‘Der Tamboursg’sell’: APD, PML (Lehman dep.); AFC, v & p (12 July 1901) and APD, v & o, BMS (Moldenhauer Archives). AFC, v & o PML (Lehman dep.).1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905.

(B) 4 Rückert-Lieder for voice and orchestra [or piano] (1901). 1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905.   Publ. Aug. 1905, Kahnt. Critical edn., v & p and v & o, IGMG/Kahnt 1984.

(a) ‘Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder!’: APD, v & p (14 June 1901), ÖNB; AFC, v & p, Vienna (priv. col. formerly Julius Bittner.). (AFC, v & o, PML (Lehman dep))

(b) ‘Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft’ (summer 1901) (NLB1. 166; NBL2. 193ff.): (APD (2), ÖNB (one: 9 June [1901]); AFC, v& p, BSM; AFC, v & o, BSM.

(c) ‘Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen’: APD (3) (one: 16 Aug. 1901), PML (Cary col.); AFC, v & p, BMG. AFC, v & o, PML (Kaplan dep.).

(d) ‘Um Mitternacht’ (summer 1901): APD, SBW; AFC, v & p, BMG; AFC, v & o, ASI.

(C)   1 Rückert-Lied for voice and piano (Aug. 1902) (AML 33).
‘Liebst du um Schönheit’. AFC, BMG. Publ., p & o, 1905, Kahnt; orch. Max                           Puttmann (1910?). Critical edn., v & p, IGMG/1984.

12.  Fifth Symphony (1901-2). Orch. 1903. Rev. 1904, etc. AFC, PML (Cary col.); FC by Alma Mahler, LPA. 1st perf. Cologne, 19 Oct. 1904. Publ. Sept. 1904, Peters.
Rev. 1905, 1911. 1st critical edn. IGMG/Peters, 1964; 2nd critical edn. 1989. 3rd critical edn. 2001.

       1st part
(a) Trauermarch (In gemessenem Schritt. StrengWie ein Kondukt) (prob. 1901)
(b) Stürmisch bewegt mit grösster Vehemenz (prob. 1901).

       2nd part
(c) Scherzo (Kräftig, nicht zu schnell) (August 1901). APD (2 manuscripts), PML (Lehman deposit).

       3rd part
(d) Adagietto (Sehr langsam) (prob. 1902). FS edition, Kaplan Found., 1992.
(e) Rondo-Finale (Allegro) (1902).

13. 5 Kindertotenlieder (1901-4), poems by Friedrich Rückert, AFC, v & p, songs (b) to (e); and v & o, complete, PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. Vienna, 29 Jan. 1905. Publ. Aug. 1905, Kahnt. 1st critical edn. IGMG Kahnt, v & p and v & o, 1979; 2nd crit. edn. 1992.

(a) ‘Nun will die sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n’ (summer 1901) (NBL1. 166; NBL2 193). APD, v & p, GMF.

(b) ‘Nun seh’ ich wohl, warum so dunkle Flammen’ (summer 1904) (AMM1. 91; AMM2. 97) 

  (c) ‘Wenn dein Mütterlein’ (summer 1901). APD, v & p, ÖNB

  (d) ‘Off denk’ ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen’ (summer 1901); APD, v & p, auctioned Berlin, 2006

  (e) ‘In diesem Wetter’ (summer 1904)
Analyses of the above works are included in Volume ii.

14. Sixth Symphony, A minor (1903-5). AFC (1 June 1905), GMF. 1st perf. Essen, 27 May 1906. Rev. 1906 and 1907. Publ. Mar. 1906, Kahnt. Critical edn. IGMG/Kahnt 1963. revised edn. IGMG/Kahnt 1998; critical edn. IGMG/Kahnt 2010; 1st edn. (b) Scherzo, (c) Andante; 2nd edn. (b) Andante, (c) Scherzo. Mahler’s     final perf. (b) Andante (c) Scherzo

(a) Allegro energicoma non troppo (summer 1903?)

  (b) Scherzo (Wuchtig) (summer 1903)

  (c) Andante moderato (summer 1903)

  (d) Finale (Allegro moderato) (summer 1904)

15. Seventh Symphony, B minor (1904-5). AFC, ACA. 1st perf. Prague, 19 Sept. 1908. Publ. Dec. 1909, Bote and Bock. Critical edn. IGMG/Bote & Bock 1960. FS edition of  AFC, Rosebeck B.V., Amsterdam, 1995. IGMG/UE 1976; critical edn. IGMG/UE, 2012. 

(a) Langsam; Allegro risoluto ma non troppo. AOD, LPA (Walter col.)(15 Aug. 1905)

(b) Nachtmusik (titled Nachtstück in AFC) (Allegro moderato) (summer 1904)

(c) Schattenhaft (Fliessend, aber nicht zu schnell) (summer 1905). Incomplete APD, LPA (Walter col.)

(d) Nachtmusik (Andante amoroso) (summer 1904)

(e) Rondo-Finale (Allegro ordinario) (summer 1905)

16. Eighth Symphony, E flat major (1906), with 3 sopranos, 2 altos, tenor, baritone, bass     solos, children’s chorus, and mixed double chorus. AFC, BSM. 1st perf. Munich, 12 Sept. 1910. Publ. Feb. 1911, UE. Critical edn. IGMG/UE 1977.

(a) Hymnus: ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’ (Part I) (drafted: July/Aug. 1906)

(b) Finale scene of Goethe’s Faust (Part II) (drafted: July/Aug. 1906) 

Analyses of the above works are included in Volume iii.

17. Das Lied von der Erde (1908), ‘Symphony for tenor and alto (or baritone) and    orchestra’, poems adapted from the Chinese by Hans Bethge. AFC, complete, v & p, priv. col., NB Scarsdale, NY. AFC, v & o, PML (Lehman dep.). 1st perf. Munich, 20 Nov. 1911/B. Walter. Publ. 1912, UE. Critical edn. v & p, IGMG/UE 1989; v& o, IGMG/UE 1964, rev. 1990

(a) ‘Das Trinklied vo Jammer der Erde’: AOD, v & o (14 Aug. 1908), missing.

  (b) ‘Der einsame  im Herbst’: AFC, v & p (July 1908), see above, priv. col.

  (c) ‘Von der Jugend’.  APD, v & p, and AOD (in folder dated 1 Aug. 1908), GMF.

  (d) ‘Von der Schönheit’: AFC, v & p (21 Aug. 1908), see above, priv. col.; AOD, PML (Lehman dep.).

  (e) ‘Der Trunkene im Frühling’: AOD, SBW.

  (f) ‘Der Abschied’. APD, v & p, HMS; AOD (1 Sept. 1908), HNM; FS, Stichting “Random Mahler”, 2002 AOD (1 Sept. 1908), HNM. 

18. Ninth Symphony, D major (1909). AFC, PML (Lehman dep.) 1st perf. Vienna, 26 June 1912/B. Walter. Publ. July 1912, UE. Critical edn. IMG/UE 1969. FS edn. AOD (a) to (c) UE, 1971.

        (a) Andante comodo: AOD, ÖNB.

(b) Im Tempo eines gemächlichen Ländlers: AOD, ÖNB.

(c) Rondo-Burlerske (Allegro assai. Sehr trotzig): AOD, ÖNB.

(d) Adagio (Sehr langsam; molto adagio): APD, (1 leaf) BSM (Moldenhauer Archives); AOD (2 Sept. 1909), MMM.

19. Tenth Symphony, F sharp (1910), unfinished. Sketches, APD, AOD and AFC, ÖNB and BSM (Moldenhauer Archives). 1st perf. (a) and (c) Vienna, 12 Oct. 1924/F. Schalk. FS edn. 1924, Zsolnay. Publ. (a) and (c) 1951, AMP. 2nd FS edn. Ricke, Munich, 1967. Performing vers. by Deryck Cooke with Berthold Goldschmidt (Cooke 0) 1960. 1st incomplete perf. BBC London, 19 Dec. 1960/Berthold Goldschmidt; 1stcomplete perf. BBC London (Cooke I), 13 Aug. 1964/Berthold Goldschmidt; version with amplified orchestration (Cooke II) performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Wyn Morris 17 Oct. 1972 (publ. Faber, 1976); version revised by Colin and David Matthews in collaboration with Berthold Goldschmidt (Cooke III), published in 1989 by Faber.

  (a) Andante. Adagio

  (b) Scherzo (Schnelle Viertel)

  (c) Purgatorio (Allegretto moderato. Nicht zu schnell)

  (d) (Scherzo II) ‘Der Teufel tanzt es mit mir’

  (e) Finale (Einleitung; Allegro moderato)

Further performing version have been produced by Joseph Wheeler jr. (1965), Clinton A. Carpenter (1966), Remo Mazzetti Jr. (1985), Rudolf Barshai (2000), Nicola Samale/Giuseppe Mazzuca (2001), Yoel Gamzou (2016), Kenzaburo Kamaku (2018), and Frederic Chaslin (2018).

Analyses of Das Lied von der Erde, the Ninth Symphony and the Tenth Symphony are included in Volume IV.


WeberDie Drei Pintos, opera in three acts (libretto rev. By Karl von Weber and Mahler, 1887-8). 1st perf. Leipzig, 20 Jan. 1888. Publ. 1888(?), Kahnt. New edition of the full orchestra score of the opera, ed. James L. Zychowicz, 2 Vols., A-R Editions (Madison, Wisconsin), Recent Reaserches in the Music of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century, vols. 30-31, 2000. 


Bruckner, Symphony No. 3 (Transcribed for piano duet, supposedly in collaboration with Rudolf Krzyzanowski, whose name, however, does not appear on the title-page (see Vol. 1, Chap. 4). Publ. Bussjäger & Rättig, 1878.

J.S. Bach, Suite aus seinen Orchesterwerken (1909). Bach-Gesellschaft score with aut. corrections sold at auction in 1992. Publ. Feb. 1911, Schirmer.

(a) Ouverture (from Suite No. 2)
(b) Rondeau (from Suite No. 2)
(c) Badinerie (from Suite No. 2)
(d) Air (from Suite No. 3)
(e) Gavottes 1 and 2 (from Suite No. 3)


  1. Orchestration
    Mahler left several different versions of many works. The location of the various scores and sets of parts is briefly listed here.

Bach, Cantata No. 19, (Continuo Part/Vocal Score): SOU
Cantata No. 65, (Continuo Part/Vocal Score): Private collection
Cantata No. 78 (Continuo Part/Vocal Score): Private collection
Suite in B minor, score; NPA
Beethoven, Quartet No. 11, in F minor, Op. 95, score (version for string orchestra): VPA; publ. 1990, Weinberger; parts: VPA

_______ Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2, scores: SOU
No. 3, score: SOU, parts: UEA; e-flat clarinet part: Viennese Private Collection 
No. 4, score: SOU
No. 5, score: UEA; parts: UEA
No. 6, score: UEA
No. 7, score: UEA (2), CPA, NPA; parts: UEA, CPA
No. 8, score: UEA
No. 9, score: SOU, UEA
_______ Overtures: 

Coriolan, score: SOU, UEA, CPA; parts: UEA, CPA

     Egmont, score: UEA, HMS; parts: UEA

     Die Weihe des Hauses, score: SOU, UEA, VPA; parts: UEA; e-flat clarinet part: SBW

     König Stephan, score: SOU

     Leonore No. 2, parts: UEA

     Leonore No. 3, parts: UEA

     Namensfeier, score: NPA

________ Piano Concerto No. 5, score: SOU

Brahms, Symphony No. 3, parts: NPA

Bruckner, Symphony No. 4, score: NPA; parts: UEA

     Symphony No. 5 (with substantial cuts), score: UEA

Dvorak, Scherzo capriccioso, Op. 68, score: NPA; parts: NPA

Enesco, Suite d’orchestre, Op. 9, score: NPA; parts: NPA

Liszt, Mazeppa, score: NPA; parts: NPA

Loeffler, La Villanelle du diable, Op. 9, score: NPA; parts: NPA 

Mozart, Symphonys No. 40 and 41, parts: UEA

Idomeneo Ballet, score: NPA; parts: NPA

Pfitzner, Christelflein Overture, Op. 20, score: NPA; parts: NPA

     Käthchen von Heilbronn Overture, Op. 17: score: NPA, parts: NPA

Schubert, Quartet No. 14, in D minor, ‘Der Tod und das Mädchen’ (version for string orchestra), score: D. Mitchell col.; publ. 1894, Weinberger.

     Symphony No. 8 (Unfinished), score: NPA, parts: NPA

     Symphony No. 9, in C major, score: SOU, BSM; parts: UEA

Schumann, Symphony No. 1, score: YUL, Osborn col.; parts: UEA

     No. 2, score: SOU

     No. 3, Copyist’s score: IGMG

     No. 4, score:. YUL, Osborn col.; parts: UEA

    Overture to Manfred, score: UEA, parts: UEA

Smetana, Overture to the Bartered Bride, score:: UEA; parts: UEA

Wagner, Overture to Die Meistersinger, parts: UEA

     Die Meistersinger, prelude to Act III, score: NPA; parts: NPA

     Eine Faust Overture, score: NPA; parts: NPA

Weber, Overture to Oberon, score: NPA; parts: NPA

The scores and parts found in the New York Philharmonic archive were not Mahler’s personal ones, but bear many of his markings, as elaborated below, in Volume iv, Appendix 1Ca.

Missing Sources:

Bach, Cantatas 19, 65, 78: full scores

Beethoven, Symphony No. 3: score to match UEA parts

     Leonore Overtures Nos. 2 and 3: scores to match UAE parts (listed by U.E. in 1927)

Bruckner, Symphony No. 4: score to match UEA parts

Mozart, Symphonies No. 40 and 41: scores to match UEA parts

Schumann, Symphony No. 2: score listed by U.E in 1927

     Symphony No. 3, 2 scores listed by U.E in 1927

Wagner, Overture to Die Meistersinger: score to match UEA parts

  • Stage Versions

Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro (new accompanied recitative for the trial scene); publ.

     Peters, 1906

Weber, Euryanthe (changes to the libretto and several passages in the score), libretto

     publ. Künast, 1904?

__________ Oberon ‘Neue Bühneneinrichtung’ (added ‘melodramas’), publ. UE

GUSTAV MAHLER – Critical Edition[i]

Volumes published to date 

(CE – critical edition/Kritische Gesamtausgabe; NCE – new critical edition/Neue kritische Gesamtausgabe)

Volume 1
Symphony No. 1
in four movements for large orchestra.

Pocket score, foreword by Reinhold Kubik
Editor: Sander Wilkens
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH 545, 1998
ISMN: 979-0-008-05948-3

Study score, revised version; corrected new edition 1995 (CE)
Editor: Sander Wilkens
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13820, 1992
ISMN: 979-0-008-02434-4

Pocket score
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl
Publisher: Philarmonia, 446, 1973

Study score,
Editor: Erwin Ratz
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE, 13820, 1967

Volume 2 
Symphony No. 2
in five movements for large orchestra, soprano and alto solo and mixed chorus 

Conducting Score (NCE)
Editor: Renate Stark-Voit/Gilbert Kaplan
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33882a, Wien 2010
ISMN: 979-0-008-07949-8

Accompanying Text (NCE)

Editor: Renate Stark-Voit/Gilbert Kaplan
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33882b, Wien 2010

Pocket score, Foreword by Friedrich Saathen (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH 395 1975
ISMN: 979-0-008-02312-5

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13821, 1970
ISMN: 979-0-008-02431-3

Volume 3 
Symphony No. 3
in six movements for large orchestra, alto solo, boys’ and women’s chorus 

Pocket score, Foreword by Friedrich Saathen
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH 468, 1977
ISMN: 979-0-008-02313-2

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13822, 1974
ISMN: 979-0-008-02432-0 

Volume 4 
Symphony No. 4
in four movements for large orchestra and soprano solo, version 1911 

Study score, corrected edition (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13823, 1995
ISMN: 979-0-008-02433-7 

Pocket score, new edition with analysis by Erwin Stein
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH214, 1966

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13823, 1963

Volume 5 
Symphony No. 5
in five movements for large orchestra 

Study score, new edition (CE)
Editor: Reinhold Kubik 
Publisher: C. F. Peters, EP 10800, 2001

Study score, revised edition (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: C. F: Peters, EP 3087a, 1989

Pocket score, foreword by Friedrich Saathen
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH458, 1975
ISMN: 979-0-008-02314-9

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: C. F. Peters, EP 3087a, 1964

Volume 6
Symphony No. 6
in four movements for large orchestra 

Study score (NCE)
Editor: Reinhold Kubik
Publisher: C.F.Peters, EP 11210, 2010
ISMN: 079-0-014-10979-0

Study score, revised edition (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz / Karl Heinz Füssl / Reinhold Kubik 
Publisher: C. F. Peters, KT 4526, 1998
ISMN: 979-0-50027-023-2 

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: C. F: Kahnt, C.F.K. 4526, 1963

Volume 7 
Symphony No. 7
in five movements for large orchestra 

Conducting score (NCE)
Editor: Reinhold Kubik
Publisher: Bote & Bock, BB2248, 2012
ISMN: 979-0-202-52248-6

Pocket score, foreword by Friedrich Saathen
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH473, 1976
ISMN: 979-0-008-02315-6

Study score (CE
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Bote & Bock, BB 16867, 1960
ISMN: 979-0-2025-0769-8 

Volume 8 
Symphony No. 8
in two movements for large orchestra, eight soloists, two mixed choruses and boys’ chorus 

Study score (CE)
Editor: Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13824, 1977
ISMN: 979-0-008-02436-8 

Pocket score, foreword by Friedrich Saathen
Editor: Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH490, 1979

Volume 9 
Das Lied von der Erde
Symphony for a tenor and an alto (or baritone) voice and orchestra 

Study score, revised edition (CE)
Editor: Karl Heinz Füssl 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13826, 1990
ISMN: 979-0-008-02438-2 

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13826, 1964

Pocket score, foreword by Erwin Ratz
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH217, 1962
ISMN: 979-0-008-02088-9 

Volume 10 
Symphony No. 9
in four movements for large orchestra 

Pocket score, foreword by Friedrich Saathen
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH472, Wien, 1970
ISMN: 979-0-008-03137-3

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13825, 1969
ISMN: 979-0-008-04683-4 

Study score:
Editor: Erwin Ratz
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13825, 1984

Volume 11a
Adagio from Symphony No. 10
for large orchestra 

Study score (CE)
Editor: Erwin Ratz 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13880, 1964
ISMN: 979-0-00802437-5 

Volume 12 
Das klagende Lied
for soprano, alto and tenor solo, mixed chorus and large orchestra, revised version (1898) in 2 movements

Pocket score, foreword by Pierre Boulez
Editor: Rudolf Stephan 
Publisher: Universal Edition, PH 502, 1981
ISMN: 979-0-008-02213-5

Study score (CE)
Editor: Rudolf Stephan 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 16814, 1978
ISMN: 979-0-008-02453-5 

Volume 13/1 
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
for voice and piano 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: Josef Weinberger, J.W. 4295, 1982
ISMN: 979-0-50083-121-1 

Volume 13/2a 
Neun Lieder und Gesänge aus “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”
for voice and piano 

Edition for high voice (CE)
Editor: Peter Revers 
Publisher: Schott, ED 7740, 1991
ISMN: 979-0-001-08058-3 

Edition for low voice (CE)
Editor: Peter Revers 
Publisher: Schott, ED 7741, 1991
ISMN: 979-0-001-08059-0

Volume 13/2b 
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
fifteen Lieder, Humoresken and Balladen for voice and piano 

Editor: Renate Stark-Voit (NCE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33901, 2008
ISMN: 979-0-008-07906-1

Edition for low voice in cooperation with Thomas Hampson
Editor: Renate Stark-Voit 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 30601, 2008
ISMN: 979-0-008-02515-0

Edition for high voice in cooperation with Thomas Hampson
Editor: Renate Stark-Voit 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 30600, 2008
ISMN: 979-0-008-00001-0

Editor: Renate Stark-Voit (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 19950, 1993
ISMN: M-008-01396-6 


Volume 13/3 
for voice and piano 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: C. F. Peters, KT 9218, 1979
Before 1989 published by C.F.Kahnt

Volume 13/4 
Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert
for voice and piano 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: C. F. Peters, KT 9254, 1984
Before 1989 published by C.F.Kahnt

Volume 13/5 

Verschiedene Lieder (various songs)
for voice and piano 
Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: Schott, ED 7534, 1990
ISMN: 979-0-001-07869-6 

Volume 14/1 
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
for voice and orchestra 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: Josef Weinberger, J.W. 4296, 1982
ISMN: 979-0-50083-092-4 

Volume 14/2 
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Songs for voice with orchestral accompaniment 

Editor : Renate Stark-Voit (NCE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33902, 2010
ISMN: 979-0-008-08619-9

Editor: Renate Stark-Voit (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 19951, 1998
ISMN: 979-0-008-06013-7 

Volume 14/3 
for voice and orchestra 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: C.F.Peters, KT 9920, EP 12735, 1992
Before 1989 published by C.F.Kahnt

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: C. F. Kahnt, C.F.K. 9220, 1979

Volume 14/4 
Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert
for voice and orchestra 

Editor: Zoltan Roman (CE)
Publisher: C.F.Peters, KT 9256, 1984
Before 1989 published by C.F.Kahnt

Supplement Volume 1 
Symphonic Poem for large orchestra (1888) 

Editor: Rudolf Stephan (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13827, 1988
ISMN: 979-0-008-02439-9 

Supplement Volume 2 
Das Lied von der Erde
for one high and one medium voice and piano 

Editor: Stephen E. Hefling (NCE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33906, 2012
ISMN: 979-0-008-08377-8 

Editor: Stephen E. Hefling (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 13937, 1989
ISMN: 979-0-008-01554-0 

Supplement Volume 3 
Piano Quartet, First Movement
for violin, viola, violoncello, and piano 

Score (CE)
Editor: Manfred Wagner-Artzt / Renate Stark-Voit / Reinhold Kubik 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 30380, 1997
ISMN: 979-0-008-05647-5

Score with set of parts (CE)
Editor: Manfred Wagner-Artzt / Renate Stark-Voit / Reinhold Kubik 
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 30381, 1997
ISMN: 979-0-008-05648-2

Supplement Volume 4 
Das klagende Lied, First version of 1880 in 3 Movements
for soprano, alto, tenor, baritone and 2 boys solo, mixed chorus and orchestra 

Editor: Reinhold Kubik (NCE)
Publisher: Universal Edition, UE 33891, 2011
ISMN: 979-0-008-08358-7

Editor: Reinhold Kubik (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition 34715, 1999
ISMN: 979-0-008-08154-5

Editor: Reinhold Kubik (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition 13840, 1999
ISMN: 979-0-008-06066-3 

Piano Score
Editor: Reinhold Kubik (CE)
Publisher: Universal Edition 30424, 1998
ISMN: 979-0-008-05983-4 

[i] List as published by the International Gustav Mahler Gesellschaft, Wien.

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