Mahler Around the World

May 18, 2020

  • Marian van der Meer
  • Sybille Werner                                                 
  • Peter Revers                                                    
  • Thomas Hampson                                            
  • Kahchun Wong                                                
  • Francisco Bricio                        
  • Enrique Diemecke
  • Chan Boon Tan
  • Lewis M. Smoley                                             
  • Ingeborg Steifensand                                       
  • Jiří Štilec                                                          
  • Jana Součková                                                 
  • Eveline Nikkels                                     
  • Bruce Tseng                                         
  • Bruno Megevand                                           
  • Kenneth Woods                                               
  • Pablo Sánchez-Quinteiro                                  
  • PoHsun Shao
  • Hansjörg Viertler                      
  • Alejandra Urrutia                                             
  • Srimal Weerasinghe                                         
  • Anthony Charles Raumann                               
  • Hervé Le Guennec                                            
  • Raymond Chan                                                

The live streaming hosted organizations and people dedicated to share and celebrate Mahler’s life and work: representatives of Mahler Societies, legendary Baritone Thomas Hampson, Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam Artistic Coordinator Marian van der Meer, Conductors Alejandra Urrutia, and Kahchun Wong, Conductor and Musicologist Sybille Werner, the President of Mahler Foundation Marina Mahler-the composer’s granddaughter and our host, Morten Solvik, musicologist and Mahler expert.

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