Personal Information
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Maria Caroline Rosé-Schmutzer
Born | 03-05-1999 | London, Ontario, Canada |
Gender | ♀️ Female | |
Person ID | 13666 | |
Last Modified | 2020-08-27 00:13:28 |
Spouses ( 1 )
Alfred Eduard Rose |
📍 London, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information
Additional Info
Maria Caroline Rosé-Schmutzer (1909-1999) (left) in her house in London, Ontario. Relation to Gustav Mahler (1860-1911): Wife of a son of a sister (nephew).
Schmutzer family as seen by Maria Caroline Rosé-Schmutzer (1909-1999)
Schmutzer family grave: Dobling cemetery, Grave 42-9-8A. Schmutzer family grave. See also:
Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64)
Sternwartestrasse, XVIII, Vienna, Austria. Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Villa Schmutzer (Sternwartestrasse 62-64) Maria Rosé (1909-1999) diary Biographical sketches of Maria Caroline Rosé-Schmutzer (1909-1999) ( Mrs. Alfred E, Rosé): 1 My parents were Professor Ferdinand Schmutzer and Alice Schnabel who were married in Vienna in 1908. I was born 05-07-1909 the oldest of 3 children, two girls and a boy, Susanne and Johannes. As our house 62-64 Sternwartestrasse which my father and a prominent Architect Orley designed, was not finished when I was born so I was born in the Beethoven Strasse. A famous gynecologist and a wet nurse were in attendance. Nobody of high society was born in a hospital but either in a sanatorium or at home. I moved into the house when I was 9 months old, my sister 2 years younger and my brother 4 years were born in that house. My father at that time was professor at the Art Academy and later became the Dean of that Institution. He died in 1928 still quite a young man of a heart attack. He was a very famous etcher who portait almost everybody who was famous, like Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Leo Slezak (1873-1946), the famous tenor of the Vienna Opera, Albert Einstein, Pablo Casals, Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931), who was a poet and lived opposite us, Felix Salten (the author of Bambi), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), which is said to be the best portrait anybody ever made), Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946), the concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic, which position he held for 57 years. I did not know him at that time but he became my father-in-law when I married Alfred Eduard Rose (1902-1975) in 1933. He also made a very large etching of the Joseph Joachim (1831-1907) Quartett 1904, the famous String quartett which was the quartett that played before the Rosé Quartett was established and gave the first concert 22-01-1883. They did a lot of first performances like Brahms, sometimes with him at the piano, Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) “The verklärte Nacht’, Bruno Walter (1876-1962), Hans Pfitzner (1869-1949), Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957) with him at the piano, Alfred Rosé, Karl Weigl etc. 2 My father also did do a lot of sceneries in the Netherlands, men and women in their traditional costumes and a lot of exlibrisis (bookmarks) for famous people which were used a lot in the 20th and 30th with their names etched on it so if one lend somebody a book the person would know to whom to return them. He also did a lot of paintings in oil, sceneries of the old places on the Donau, in Hungary, Italy and The Netherlands, My mother was a poetress wrote quite a few poems which were published and numerous articles for our newspaper the Neue Freie Presse. She kept a big salon and everybody that was prominent, writers, actors, operasingers, everybody met at our salon. I still remember when the first world war was declared. I was about 4 years old, my sister 2 and my brother a few months. we were for the summer on the Worthersee in Carintia, Austria. We stayed in a large hotel and in the middle of the night we had to pack all our belongings and get on the next train in the middle of the night with our nursemaid and get back to Vienna. This was I think end of August l914 and a lot of soldiers could be seen. I also remember that that winter I got my first fur coat, a black seal with a little cap and I was very proud of that. In the whole house there were only antiques. All the furniture were very old and we children did not like them because one had to be so careful that nothing broke off. Sitting on our dining room furniture always some rosettes came off and we were scolded for that. My father made a painting of me in front of one of those chairs when I was about 5 years old and it is still hanging in our dining room. He had a large collection of old blue Delft plates and all around were wooden carved Crists, Madonnas and Saints. Every room had a stove made of Dutch tiles, in the hall for instant a green one with white pictures. In the diningroom a white-pink one in the Etching Holland (the Netherlands) by Ferdinand Schmutzer Jr. (1870-1928). 3 decorations of garlands of flowers. In some of the bedrooms were antique rodiron ones. Some of them could be fired from the outside, like the one in the diningroom from a stone stairewell. If it was not quite cold enough to heat the 32 rooms they used these to get certain rooms warm. They were mostly heated with wood. Our 2 story high wooden staircase which was the main staircase in the house came from an old mill. It was all carved, with pannels and a lot of posts on which stood either a wooden Madonna or a Saint. Some of these figures were completely full of little wholes as they had years ago worms that lived of the wood. As the main staircase was of wood, there also had to be another entrance with a stone staircase in case of fire. My father had designed the chimneys everyone of them, and many had a different shape. We had two childrens rooms, one for my brother the other for us 2 girls. We were taught at home the five years Grade School. Had a woman teacher coming every morning for 3 or 4 hours. In the afternoon we had a mademoiselle, who played with us in French and we had to learn a lot of grammar which I hated, but it had to be done as we had to write essays. We also had a lot of homework from our morning classes and had to write everything in Gothic handwriting. Much later we had to write also Block printing. We also had Swedish dancing classes. When I was about 7 years old and knew the alphabet I started with piano twice a week. MY brother and sister were not too interested. So they did not have to have lessons. I had a wonderful piano teacher, Mrs Seeburg and I loved the lessons and especially I loved to practice on the etudes. I had her for many years and soon I started to play Mendelssohn songs without words. Beethoven baggatellen and Clementi Sonatinen but I was not too fond of Mozart. Etching of Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946) by Ferdinand Schmutzer Jr. (1870-1928). 4 I loved to play Bach’s “Well tempered Clavichord” and especially fugues, which later when I studied organ became my favorite composer again. We had 4 years of Grade School and then were to start with Highschool. As girls were not allowed to join the boys at schoo,l we were again taught at home. The same teachers which taught the boys in the morning. The schools started at 8 m until 1.30 PM. Came to the house from 2 o’clock on until 5 PM. Every day even on Saturdays. We had to have all the subjects that the boys took, besides the fundamentals also Latin, Greek, Chemistry and Algebra. In my class were five girls. One was the daughter of a famous poet, who lived across the street from us, Lilly Schnitzler. My father made an etching of Arthur Schnitzler and my brother-in-law Paul Peschke made a bronze bust of him which stands in a park near us. Arthur went for long walks every day in the same Park. When I was more advanced in playing the piano and as a teenager I used to play many evenings with his son Heinrich, piano duetts and he introduced me also to Mahler and Bruckner Symphonies which we played 4 hands. Heinrich Schnitzler became later after Hitler a film producer in Hollywood. Sometimes we also went to the school in the afternoon when the classrooms were empty to watch some physic and chemistry experiments. That lasted for about 4 years until a gymnasium for girls was opened. Then we had mostly women teachers also learned drawing and designing and often made excursions with our geography teacher to ancient places around Vienna which I enjoined very much. My sister then also could go to school 2 years below my class. Etching of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) by Ferdinand Schmutzer Jr. (1870-1928). 5 At the end of the school year we had very stiff examinations but luckly I had always a very perfect report card. The day we received our report cards was always on the 5th of July, my birthday. Once my parents had invited very good friends, he was a Tyrolian Poet, Karl Schonherr and when he saw my card he gave me 25 cents as an appreciation of my doings. Then I was supposed to go for 2 years to lyceum (a secondary highschool for girls). The first year was alright but in the second year an epidemic of Scarlet Fever broke out and the school was closed for the rest of the term. Then I went to a Housekeeping school were one learned to cook, made designs for embroidery, learned to make patterns for dressmaking. This was a 2 year course. Then I went to a dressmaking school. We again had to make patterns for our own dresses, learned to use a power sewing machine. This took one year. When I had to start my apprentisship which took 1500 hours. I went to do this to a very famous shop 'Farnhammer' on the Karntnerstrasse in the middle of Vienna. I remember vividly that I had to make a very expensive blouse. When I had to iron one of the sleeves the iron must have been to warm for the material and I burned it. Of course I was scolded and felt very badly about it but luckely they had a piece of the material left and could cut out another sleeve. All during that time I did not neglect my music and took piano lessons with Prof. Laffitt and started organ with Franz Schutz at the conservatory. I was often asked to accompany a singer or a violinist at recitals. At that time I had a friend a very good violinist Lissy Siedek and we played a lot of chamber music at home as nobody else but I used our Bosendorfer piano. Etching of the Rose quartet (with Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946)) by Ferdinand Schmutzer Jr. (1870-1928). 6 Sometimes in the evening when my mother gave a big soirée in our salon, famous people like Artur Schnabel, Richard Strauss, many singers like Leo Slezak the helden tenor at the Vienna Staatsoper, Richard Mayr, Elisabeth Schumann with her husband Carl Alvin, and a lot of actresses like Helene Thinig, her 2 actor brothers Hermann and Hans and their father Hugo, Raoul Aslan, Otto Tressler and many more from the Burgtheater. When I was a teenager I remember one affair especially. Rudolph Serkin born 1903 and died 08-05-1991 that my mother had arranged an evening for him as he was a piano wunderkind. His first recital when he was about 15 years old. He came in Kneepants and the audience in our Salon was just flabbergasted. He played so wonderful. His teacher was a viennese professor Richard Robert, with whom George Szell, my husband Alfred and later I took lessons from him. My husband and I later kept a very nice correspondence with Rudi as he was known at all that time. I wrote him last for his 80th birthday and got a letter back but then I did not hear from him anymore. When friends here, the Hachbornes heard that Rudi was going to give a recital in Hamilton and played for the first time memorized a Matinue Piano Sonata. They arranged for us to go with them to the concert in Hamilton. It was a big secret and nobody was allowed to say to Rudi that we would be there. At the reception afterwards, we were put in a room and when Rudi arrived they opened the door and Alfred and he embraced each other and talked the whole evening with each other. They had not seen each other since Hitler and neither knew were each one was living. It was just a wonderful surprise and an unforgetful evening. 7 When my father had a portrait sitting we children were not allowed to enter the atelier. So we missed meeting a lot of famous people. But I can remember a few like Albert Einstein, Pablo Casals, of course Arthur Schnitzler and Felix Salten, Leo Slezak from the Opera and Maria Carmi a wonderful actress who did the Miracle Play with Reinhard in Berlin. In my youth the family was very much befriended with the family Korngold. The Father Julius Korngold was the music critic of our Freie Presse and his son a wonderchjld, who composed already when he was 6 years old and of course played the piano very well. My father made an etching of Julius and so the two families became very close friends. Erich Wolfgang Korngold who later when he was married lived about 2 blocks from us and we spend many summers together with their two sons in Carintia on the Worthsee. Erich after Hitler went with the Family. The father (had died in the meantime) to Hollywood. In 1934 Reinhardt brought an unplanned for change of fortune to Erich Wolfgang Kornglod to film “A Midsummernights Dream. He invited Korngold to join him. Recognizing Icorngold’s Innovative approach to Film Music, Warner brothers urged him to remain at the studio. He finally agreed to a contract which obliged him to score only 3 films of his own choosing every 2 years. With the freedom to return to Vienna for at least 6 months a year. In 1938 he settled there permanently. Soon he was the best known film composer in Hollywood. His “Anthony Adverse” alone contained countless origional themes. Korngolds death of a cerebreal Hemorrage in 1857 the interest in his music sucided. As my husband worked with Reihardt for many years in Berlin, Korngold and he became long lasting friends. 8 When I had completed my 1500 hours of apprenticeship I had to go besides my music studies to the Sewing school to get my Masters. This took 2000 hours. We had to design dresses and underwear and make the pattern for them. Had to embroide a lot in order to learn different versions of stiches and borders. To get the diploma after these 2000 hours, I had do design a dress and completed in 1 day. I remember a red printed silk material, which had an underskirt on which were very fine pliseded 3 volants. The sleeves were long and the neckline very complicated. We had to model it at the end of day and most everybodies met with a big approval. A few days the big ceremony took place and I got the beautifully ornamented designed diploma with the “M” of Maria prin ted in red and gold, the other letters in black and gold. It measures 15—25 inches and the garlands are all in flowers. This was about 1923 or 1924. Almost everybody has seen a picture of our Emperor Franz Joseph the I. There was a general talking this morning walk around our house everyday for many, many years. He looked exactly like the Emperor, according to his face he could have been a brother, he had the same white, sideburns carried his cane behind his back, had all the colourful medals pinned on his coat and always wore white gloves like the Emperor. I continued studying my organ, piano and composition and counterpoint and there is only 1 composition left a little walse for piano. In the evenings when there was a good concert I went always with some very musical friends or collegues and we each had our pocket book scores (Eulenberg scores) and read the music through the whole concert. 9 We were especially fond of Bruckner symphonys and everything of Beethoven and we almost knew everything by heart. Most of my friends were very good waltzdancers which I loved and so we went to a lot of affairs during the carnival. Some of them were costume balls with a mask and it was lots of fun not to be recognized by your friends. We also did a lot of scating and danced walzes to a real orchestra. In one of my classes was Herbert von Karajan who was a specially good ice dancer, so when there was not a concert, we wanted to go to we went scating. A few times I opened the Vienna Philharmonic Ball in the large beautifully decorated Vienna Music Vereinssaal with Paul von Hernried (he later changed his name to Paul Henreid and became a movie actor in Hollywood). He was very tall and an exceptional waltzdancer. All the girls had to have long white beautiful gowns and long white skin gloves and white shoes. On the rist was hanging a little notebook with numbers for the dances to put their names down for that particular dance. At the Opera first was the big Redoute with the masked dancers which was lots of fun. Later it changed into the big Opera Ball. quite a few years before I met Alfred, Richard Strauss had then engaged him at the Opera, Pauline Strauss, Richards wife asked Alfred if he would open the Opera Ball with her, and Alfred was very proud that she had asked him. He was not a very good dancer. We at home had very many young people in especially on Sunday afternoon. They were mostly the children of our parents friends. They came for tea and stayed for a light supper. We were known already at a certain movie Theater were we ordered about 20 to 30 tickets and we all went to the movie. There also were a lot of parties and birthday parties at friends. At one of the big houses the father of his 2 children always had something quite special. 10 He was a very tall and heavy man. At one party he was dressed as a Chinese doll. At another party he was wrapped in large paper and tied up like a large parcel with strings all around him and a special postage stamp. The buttler and the chaffeur brought him in from the garage. The family was one of the few people that had an electric driven car. There must have been about 25 kids there and we all had lots of fun to unwrape him. We all set around a very large oval table, had hot chocolate and of course a very large chocolate cake. I remember my brother coming home in tears and cried he did not get anything to eat, why they had missed him I don’t remember but maybe he declined everything. One May we had a May dance in our garden. We girls had beautiful taffeta dresses one in pink and one in green, and a flower reath on our short hair. In the middle of the garden was a big pole with different coloured ribbons tied at the top. Every girl friend took a ribbon and we wound it running around the pole untilll it was all covered. Schubert wrote the “Drei Maderl Haus” but as we were only two the party was called the”Zwei Maderl Haus” the 2 girls-house, it was a ’May-dance. I was the favorite child of my grand-father Theodore Schnabel. He had a business in leather tannery. Every Sunday he came with a special made black leather bag in which he had all kind of delicacisses especially smoked tongue and all kind of Salamis which everybody in the family enjoyed then the whole week. He also brought some special wine from the wine country up the Donau mainly from Durnstein. This was about 80 km up the river a beautiful old village with a Gothic old church and the prists accommodations around. When we were children our parents took us at Easter and Whitsuntide and all doing the summer up there. The scenery was so lovely that all the 11 famous painters went up there. Of course having been up there for so may years we knew everybody, the Mayor, the baker the wine handlers and of course the owners of the Hotel and their big winegarden. We knew all the Thirie family for many years, also the main waiter and the wine waiter. Old Mrs Thirie and her daughter Susi were wonderful cooks and their liver dumpling soup and the special deserts like apricot dumplings with a lot of buttered bread crumbs on top, or their clowdlike crepes with apricot jam were just wonderful, The contry was very hilly covered with winegardens to the top were there were big bolders and an old ruin where Richard Lionhart was kept as a prisioner. Very uneven cobelstone steps went up the Hill. At Eastertime my parents took the Eastereggs up the hills and put them in hidding places into the rocks. The ground was covered with springflowers, sometjmes a whole section was blue with Leberblumchen (liverflowers) or cowslips, it was just a picture and we had lots of fun also finding some presents where the eggs were hidden. What we did not like was, that we had to take long walks, sometimes around a big bend of the Donau to get to the next village, but then we were rewarded and took the steamship down. From Durnstein accross to Rosatz went a cable Ferry which we took quite often to walk into the wooded mountains to pick different kinds of mushrooms. I remember being awaked twice during the stay in Durnstein and also in Spitz on the Donau during the night as there were very large fires and many houses burned down to the ground, children had played with rnatches. I still see it in Front of me and since that time I am very scared of fires. My father with all his painters friends painted a lot up there and he also did some etchings and pencil scetches. At special occasions the men and women put on their wonderful costumes with big golden bonnetts, and their beautiful 12 golden bonnetts and the colourful embroidered blouses and aprons. The wine was grown on selfmade terrasses way up to the rocks. There were quite interesting looking scarecrows put up. Some looked liked women, some like farmers with the old discarded cloth on, heads with faces on or an old hat, some looked quite artistic. In the fall when the vintage took place the grapes were put into large wooden barrels and the men and women crushed them with their feet until the juice came out. The well pressed out skins were then used to feed the pigs. Nobody who had nothing to do at the vineyard was allowed in, but after the vintage young and old was allowed to pick, the so-called “Welferl surge”the last 2 or 3 grapes that were still on the vinebranches and that was a lot of fun. When my grandfather I was so very fond of, passed away my mother wanted to console me and sent me with a very good friend of mine who was a little older than I and spoke French fluently, my French was aslo not too bad, for 10 days to Paris. We lodged in a very nice pension where we met 2 nice young men. They took a liking to us, her name was Margareth, to all the interesting places. We went to the Opera and saw Gounods Faust, to the Folly Bergere and to many other places were there were very good variety programs, up the Eifel tower, to the Louvre, on boat trips on the Seine, and we also went to a lot of places were there were good Dance Orchestras and danced until late into the night. They spoiled us a lot in taking us to very famous and good eating places. When we had to leave, we each got from our baux a wonderful bouquet of flowers. She was my chaperon, but we all had a wonderful time together. 13 She never got married and after Hitler I lost her. When she came back to Vienna after the war she visited my sister and told her that she was living in Nice, France. my sister gave her my address and we got in touch again. She was a French and English translater for a lot of very famous and interesting people, movie actors. Polititians and translated whole books for poets. She later moved Into an Old Age home in Nice and we were still in touch, until 1990 when a letter I had written to her was returned to me with the words “Unknown’. My father, still very young, passed away in 1927 and my mother took us 3 children down to Italy to Porto Rosa. We girls had a wonderful time with 2 sailors, who were quite fluently in German. They really spoiled us, every day we got the most beautiful flowers and the took us around on their ship to different ports on the italian shoreline and every evening we had dinner either on the ship or my mother invited them and then we went dancing. My sister after also having been taught at home until she was 14 years was excepted at the Art Academy to study sculptering. She was an extremely talented young person, one of the youngest at the Art Academy. There she met a young sculpter, her senior of 4 years. Paul Peschke. He was a very shy man never came to our parties on Sundays, but Susi never looked at another man. Of course she had also a lot of friends as I had, but nothing serious. Because of the Hitler rules they could not get married until 1945. They have two sons, the older one is a t.v. photographer, Toni Peschke, the other Matthias is a Diplome Ingenieur and got already 6 State Prices for his invertions, Toni made a movie of his own “Zeit der Rache” (Time of Vengeance) the expieriences of a 10 year old shepard who left Vienna but returned to avenge his father who was killed at a traffic accident. It was performed Jan, 1992, in Vienna. 14 Both Susi and Paul became quite famous sculptures. Paul is known for a lot of famous peoples. Bustes like Arthur Schnitzler, who stands in a Park near to our house, where Schnitzler took his stroles, the former President of Austria Kirschschlager, Gmeiner, the man that was influential in opening different playgrounds and and childrens homes and besides many others one of the best Bust of Sigmund Freud which a friend of ours wants to donate to Israel. Susi made a lot of wooden and metal ornaments for decorations of schools, and official buildings, large animals for childrens playgrounds and also painted potraits and made some portrait busts. After I had met my husband she made an over lifesize bust in bronze of my father-in-law Arnold Rosé which is going to the Mahler-Rosé room at the University of Western Onta rio. In 1989 she received in an impressive Ceremony at the City Hall the golden Cross from the city of Vienna. A few years ago she suffered two quite severe heartattacks, at one she was for a while completely paralized, but she recovered completely. Of course she could not do that heavy work like hammering in copper the 12 stations of the 6 cross or make another Babtismal Fountain or carve an oversized Christ, so she switched to making costume jewelery out of copper, made beautiful glaces and baked them in her own killen. She took care of the big house, gave big social parties and did all the baking herself. She also had to do all the banking, grocery shopping and doing everything for Paul as he never went anywhere if it did not have to be. Susi had her own car, they made lovely trips all over. Paul did not drive, and every weekend they went into the Vienna Woods and took long walks. 15 My mother and I went to a lot of concerts together. We had abonements for the Symphoniker and the Vienna Philharrnonik. There were always 2 concerts held at the Vienna Musik Vereinssaal. and always sold out. There was 1 Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock the so called Dress Rehearsal and one Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. I heard a lot of guest conductors like Furtwangler, Knappertsbusch, very many concerts with Toscanini, Richard Strauss, Carl Alvin, Carl Bohm and of course Richard Strauss and many more. We went mostly Sunday mornings. My future father-in-law Arnold Rosé, whom I did not know at that time, despite my father Ferdinand Schmutzer had made an etching of him, was born in Jassy, Rumania in 1863. He made his debut in Leipzig Gewandhaus in 1879. He performed a newvViolin concerto by Karl Goldmark on April 10 1881 with big success and the next day he was engaged to be the concert-master of the Vienna Philharnionk, a post he had for 57 years. Once we went to a concert on Sunday and had seats in a box. I noticed that two boxes way there set a very distinguished lady, a young man and an older person. Later we found out it was the Rosé box. In the paterre there was another young man and the two made constantly signs to each other always looking at us. We did not meet them. A week later we went again and set in the pattere beneath the Rosé Box, where the lady and the same young man was but a different older person was with them whom we knew it was Doktor Phoebus Tuttenauer. He went to England after Hitler and became quite a famous painter. He was a dermatologist and a good friend of ours. In front of us was this young man again and the two were making signes toward us again. It was Alfred with his mother Justine Rosé and as I later found out that she would never go to a 16 concert without having a doctor with her. She was the oldest sister of Gustav Mahler and took care of her sister and brothers after the Mahler parents died. There were 12 or 13 children but many died in infancy, there were about 5 or 6 brothers. One of them Otto was quite a good musician but commited suicide at an early age. The sister Emma who was the next to Justine married Arnold Rose’s brother Eduard. He was a Cellist, who also played at the Vienna Philharmonik and when Arnold started the Rosé Quartett in 1882 he took him in. The Quartett existed for over 50 years with different members and even after Hitler when Arnold went to London, England continued with his last Cellist Friedrich Buxbaum for the noon concerts there which the pianist Myra Hess had established Eduard Rosé for a few years was the first Cellist of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The oldest son was born Ernest Rosé and was authomaticcally an American citizen. He was later an actor in Germany and after Hitler was with the Voice of America” and lived in Washington. The other son Wolfgang was a pianist who was born in Germany while Eduard was the Cellist of the Berlin Philharmonic. Wolfgang accompanied the violinist Kuhlenkampf, the polish violinist Bronislav Hubermann and later in America Odnoposoff with whom he even came up here to the Grand Theather for a concert. Mahler had insisted that all his brothers and sister Emma be taught English and French, he himself spoke English and French. Justine was ailing. So when Dr. Tuttenauer greeted us, Alfred inquiered who we were, he asked Dt Tuttenauer to be introduced to us. So in the intermission they came down and we met them in the middle aile. 17 I invited him to come one Sunday to our parties, and also told him that I was leaving for Budapest Hungary the next day. The son of the Mayor whom I had met during our summer stay in Carinthia had invited me to visit his parents and him in October 1932. He was interested in me and I had wonderful 5 days, being shown this beautiful city. Alfred had never forgiven me for being so rude to him just a few minutes after I had met him. I asked him to call me the next wekend and come to Tea Sunday afternoon. Of course he never called. So I called him the next weekend and invited him and said that Dr. Tuttenauer also is coming and he accepted. He really came but Dr. Tuttenauer had called off. So here he was without the support of his Dr. friend meeting all these new people and he was very shy. So we talked together and at that time I had quite a bad cough. He said he would like to meet me the next day during my lunchtime at a confection shop and bring me a cough me dicine. We met on from that day on we met somewhere every day. At that time he was conductor of the Vienna Peoples Opera and at the State 0pera and I picked him often up after the performances. Or we went out somewhere for dinner to places where we would not met anybody that knew us to report back to my mother, in order to talk together for a while. I had to invent a lot of stories, that I was going to a concert or went Ice scating or was practicing. We were kept very strict at home and I had to be home not later than 10. 30 P. M. So we had to take a taxi home in order to be together longer or we walked home from a park only to be together longer. He was never allowed to come into the house in the evening when he brought me home. 18 At that time I had also learned to make gloves. So I made pig skin gloves for him and me for Christmas 1932 and he gave me the 3rd Mahler Symphony for 4 hands which we played later and that is how he introduced me to Mahler. We were known of always walking hand in hand, also here in London. So once an aquaintence of my mother had seen us, wearing the same colour gloves walking downtown. She reported it to my mother and asked her if Maria and Alfred are engaged? Alfred Eduard Rose (1902-1975) at that time never got up early in the morning. But on my birthday on 05-07-1933 he got up real early to be at the Birthday celebration and wanted to surprise me being there. But my mother spoiled the whole idea, came to my room and said get up Alfred is here already. So he was quite disappointed but he brought me a golden ring, like a wedding band, not a Diamond as it is done here. It was ingraved with both of our names and the real date of our engagement on 28-06-1933, I had met the Rosé Family Arnold and Justine and their daughter Alma soon after I had met Alfred, they invited me often. Alma, who was an excelent Violinist was married at that time to a Chech Violin Virtuoso Vase Prihoda. Arnold Rosé was very much impressed by his playing and aspecially by his trill. They had a beautiful estate called Zarrebie in Chechoslovakia. Alma invited us down and we spent some very lovely few days there. It was a beautiful, large house near a river and we went down there to watch the many very colouful ducks swimming around, Alma was a good cook and made good meals but often we went to some restaurants in his lovely, big Mercedes-Benz. He was a Racwu. The roads were not very good there and there were a lot of waterholes in the roads. I had developed a very bad toothache arid so Vasa and Alma took 19 us to Prague or some medication. The car had an removeable top with these very heavy steel bars. We were sitting in the back. As he was going great speed he did not see a big, hole in the road, going over that it threw Alfred’s head against one of the steel bars and he almost fainted, and me up high. It was terrible but he did not slow down. We went to Prague, got the medication, but Alfred could hardly make it. When we got back he went to bed with a big cut on top of his head, Alma had gotten a very expensive wedding trouseau from the finest material with wonderful handmade ernbroidery. Vasa was a boor with very little education and no understanding for fine things. He went into bed on this beautiful sheets and blanquets with his shoes on. We left after a few days. That was in the later Spring of 1933, Alfred had some very good friends, Gert and Lilly Luithlen with whom we were together quite a bit. They had a Summer house near Grein on the upper Donau and invited us there for July. We took the Steamship up one evening, it took about 14 hours to get up there. They had to pick us up with a motorboat from Grein a bit down the Donau to a lovely little village. The house was quite big, lovely furnished and very comfortable. It had a very narrow entrance door. Once we set on the door step during a very bad Thunderstorrn. It was not raining very hard but the Thunder and Lightening were very bad. Once after a big lightening and a terrible crash of Thunder, that made Alfred jump and he went with his head against the beam and hit his head on the same spot he did in the car. This time he really fainted, and went down and had a big cut which was bleeding. The headaches afterwards were very bad. 20 Well, after that we stayed another 2 weeks and then took the Steameship back to Vienna. In the Fall Alfred started with his teaching at the Vienna Peoples Conservatory and with his Opera jobs and I had to get working on the Wedding preparations. The linnens and the Embroideries had to be chosen, the silver, the silver trays and the china had to be bought and the kitchen Utensils. It is quite different from the way it is done here, where the Bride picks out her silver and china, a store has a list where everybody who wants to, can buy one place setting of Silver or one Place setting of the chosen China. My mother had to buy everything. I had a girlfriend who designed my wedding dress and made it and also made my dress for the nuptial eve, which was held at the two Story Apartment at the Rosés. My dress for that evening was made of a peach colour Crepe with a Cascade in the same colour in Satin, which started small at the waist and went all the way down to the floor in the back, which always got wider toward the end. It had no sleeves the same color Satin Belt with a big Rihnestone clasp in the front. My mother had given me a long, twisted necklace of seed pearls which I wore, Earrings were not in fashion. Justine Rosé gave me a beautiful oval brooch which was made of white Quartz, surrounded my smaller and larger Diamonds and in the middle is a large white Pearl also surrounded by small Diamonds. I love it dearly. My husband to be gave me a beautiful, half an inch wide Bracelet, strung on a Platinum wire in a Pattern in Pearls. The closure is a Platinum clasp, like a Belt buckle with a with a prong made of tiny Diamonds. 21 The Rosés had a very large livingroom with a Grand piano, a large diningroom and a pretty large kitchen and Hall on the first floor and a spiral staircase they had build to go to the second floor where there were 3 large bedrooms and the bath (House Arnold and Justine Rose 5 - Pyrkergasse No. 23 (1911-1939)). One was used whenever they were in Vienna by Vasa and Alma Prihoda, a large one for Arnold and Justine and in the middle was a smaller one that Alfred used as long as he lived at home. When I met him he had an apartment not very far from the Volks oper (Peoples opera) where he was at that time the conductor. The Rosés had two servants, Mizzi the maid who also acted as a nurse for Justine and gave her injections and the medications she needed, and old Manina who first was the childrens Nanny when they were little and then was the cook. Whenever Arnold was not busy at the Opera or at concerts they gave quite big parties and the 2 servants prepared all these wonderful meals. When we were engaged I was very often invited and met very interesting artists, singers, conductors also actors and Poets. I met Franz Werfel who was then Alma Mahlers husband very often, Furtwangler, Knappertsbusch and of course Arturo Toscarini and his wife Karla, Richard Strauss and his wife Pauline, Carl Alvin and his wife Elisabeth Schumann, Clemens Krauss at that time the Opera Director, the Tenor Leo Slezak, the Pianists Arthur Schnabel and Rudolpf Serkin, and many more. For the nuptial eve there were Alfred’s sister alma, her husband Vasa was out of town, the Werfels, Arthur Schnitzler, my mother, Heiririch Schnitzler Arthurs son who was a great friend of mine with whom I played many evenings Duetts, Alfreds very good friend who was the next day the Best man a Hungarian Jeno Scholt and the Priest who married us Professor Hans Hollensteiner. 22 When Gustav Mahler accepted to become the Director of the Vienna State Opera, a possition he kept from 1897-1907 he had to become a Catholic something he always wanted to do. So my mother-in-law Justine turned also to Catholicism at that time. Alfred and Arnold became Catholics in the 1930's, this is not long before we got married. Our weddingday was a 05-10-1933, It was a beautiful, warm sunny day and we did not need any coats. We were married at 12.30 noon in a small chapel of the Augustnier church, downtown. My mother, sister and my brother, who gave me away. My girl friend, Alfred’s friend the Hungarian Jeno Scholt, Arnold and Justine, I am not sure if Alma Rosé was there or on a concert tour. In the chapel were some friends of my family, Alma Mahler-Werfel and Franz Werfel and both maids of the Rosés. Our two maids and the cook were too busy to prepare the wedding dinner which was held in our large Diningroom in the Sternwartestrasse. The table was pulled out to seat 14 people. Mother’s beautiful Meissen China was used, all the different Cristal with the same beautiful etched ingraving and the large servietts stood up in a point. There was a marvelous Flower arrangement in the middle. The big dinner was all prepared by the 2 maids and the cook. In another room were all the presents I received, nicely arranged. A whole Teewagon with beautiful indecent cocktail glasses and bottles, a large Vanity table mirror in a silver Frame, which I still use, all kind of other Cocktail glasses, an Augarteh Porcelan Smoke Extinguisher with a lovely painting and standing on a gold ring. It had a lamp inside but we had it taken out as as the electric wireing did not work with our current. 23 One of our favorite presents were 4 candle holders, Meissen China which we got from the singer Elisabeth Schmumann. When we lived in Cincinnati we had them standing below two small windows on the side of the mantel. We always had candles in them, but one day either a Truck went by or the sun made the candles soft, they fell on the floor. 2 of them were broken completely, the other 2 have chips broken off, but we always used them and I still have them with different candles, mostly blue ones, but at Christmas red ones on my mantle. There were many other things too much to mention. An uncle of mine gave us 100 Shillings to spend on our honeymoon and Alfred’s friend Jeno gave us the use of his car with a chauffeur. We went to a little place of pilgrimage Maria Zell in the mountains about 5 hours drive from Vienna. We had only 5 days, the car went back and picked us up Sunday afternoon, as Alfred had to be back to teach at the Volks Konservatorium (Peoles Conservatory) on Monday. There was a Lake the Erlach See not to far away and we went for long walks. There also was a lift to one of the higher mountains and of course we visited the shrine which was all in gold and had beautiful stained glass windows. My mother had arranged a small apartment for us in the attic and furnished it. We had a large, corner room as our bed room, she had build a large wardrobe which covered a whole wall cupboards under the 2 windows and 2 low beds. One small room was 24 divided into two to make a small kitchen and bathroom. There also was a little place with a door that haused a little real Ice box, Then we had to go across passing my fathers Atelier to our livingroom which also had a Balcony overlooking the garden. One whole wall was closed in and made the cupboards to hold our china, silver trays and glasses. In one niche was the Upwrite Piano in the other Bookstands. We had a big dining table and a lot of chairs, We had a lot of company and the first party we had we invited the Rosés. I was quite a good cook and whoever was invited enjoyed my food. We had our own entrance, and a stone staircase. As my Father found somewhere an old wooden 2 story high staircase in a mill, that was the main staircase in the house. Every house that had a wooden staircase also had to have a stone one which also went down into the Basement and the main kitchen. To get the food up into the Family diningroorn there was a small elevater to pulled up by hand. On the October 24-10-1933 was Arnold Rosé’s 70 Birthday. It was a day of the Vienna Philharmonic rehearsal with Toscanini. Alfred and I, his mother Justine with her Doctor Dr. Alfred Fritsch were in the Rosé box. The music stand of Arnold was very lovely decorated with flowers. Toscanini entered the Podium from the right, the whole Orchestra got up. He was very nearsighted and walked in little steps toward Arnold with a large flower arrangement in his arms, embraced him and kissed him and the whole Orchestra clapped, it was a moving expierience. 25 Alfred was very busy at the Peoples Conservatory and in the evening conducting at the Volks Oper (peoples Opera), I played a lot of Chaimber music with my friend Lissy Siedek a Violinist. We also entertained a lot and it kept me busy cooking. As Alfred was very devoted to his mother he went to see her everyday whenever he could put in the time. From our house it was about a half an hour walk, sometimes I went down myself to meet him there and then we walked home together. At Christmas we had three celebrations, In the afternoon on Christmas Eve, that is the day we celebrate more than on the 25th. We went down to the Rosé’s and had Christmas there. Justine had a manuscipt of Gustav Mahler which had never been performed, ”Das Waldmärchen” or Forst Legend, the first part of the Klagende Lied (The Song of Lamentatjon). It was part of an early copyist’s manuscript, with emendajons in Mahler’s own hand, of the whole original 1880 three-part version of the cantata. Then in the evening we went to my mother’s, sister and brother’s Christmas celebration. We had a very large tree in our Salon, different tables with gifts for the servants and for the whole Family, After opening all our parcels we had dinner, (always breaded Donau Carp) with Parsley Potatoes and puréed Chestnuts with whipped Cream, Late in the evening then we had our first, own Celebration in our apartment on the two following Holidays we went one day to the Rosé’s for Dinner, and in the afternoons all the aunts and uncles came to my mother’s house for Coffee and Striezel (Braided Bread with, raisins,) 26 New Years eve we went to hear Alfred’s sister Alma Rosé, who had founded a girls Orchestra, to the Ronacher. There were about 20 girls, all dressed in light blue long gowns, and Alma conducted with the violinist Alfred, who also had studied voice with the famous teacher Franz Steiner, gave vocal lessons in our apartment. He had a very gifted pupil, a countess Maria von Korinsky, and she became the Soloist of the Vienna Waltz girls, So, about January Alfred and I started to write in ink all the Orchestra parts and vocal parts. The first performance of the now 3 parts (instead of the usual 2 parts, the minstrel and the wedding piece, had now as the first part the Waldmarchen. (The Forest Legend. ) We wrote many, many nights for very many months. The first Performance took place in Brno, Chechoslovakia, was done in Chech on 28-11-1934, And then on 02-12-1934 in German. Something embarrassing happened in Brno. We were sitting in the Lobby, when a Bell boy ram through, calling for Mre. Maria Schmutzer, he waved a Telegram in his hand. An old friend of my Family, who was a poet, Georg Terrarmare, had sent this congratulation massage, and forgot that my name now was Maria Rosé. There were a lot of prominent people around us, and they might have thought we were not married. The first performance of now 3 parts, of the Klagende Lied (The Song of Lamentation, instead of the former 2 parts, was conducted by Alfred at Radio Vienna, on 08-04-l935. Alfred did not show the score to any musicians for some 34 years. 27 Alfred preserved the perogative of conducting the work himself. It was his ultimate intension to bequeath the score to the Library of Congress, in Washington, where his String Quartett is also beautifully bound. We saw it when friends drove us from Maryland, to Washington. It was with some restrictions. However the interest in the score mounted with Mahler’s gain in popularity, and in 02-1969 it was purchased by Thomas and Marshall Osborn, of the philantropic family of New Haven, Connecticut. The first performance rights to the Waldmärchen was given to the New Haven Symphony in Hartford, Connecticut at Yale University, When Alfred returned to Vienna from Berlin in the early 1932, he told his parents always that Hitler will eventually occupy Austria, but they did not believe him. He had been working under Max Reinhardt, a Professor, producer and dirctor of the German Theater in Berlin, for three years. Reinhardt staged many famous plays, like Shakespeare’s Midsummers dream, with Mendelsohn’s music, Much todo about Nothing, King Lear, Othel and Macbeth. He was especially famous for his production of “The Miracle Play” with Maria Carmi-Vollmoiller. My father made an etching of her as Madonna, a large coloured one in 1912 and as a nun, only the head black and white and coloured in 1915. Alfred accompanied Marlene Dietrich in a recital. When Leopold Stokowski came to Berlin, Alfred was asked to take him around. There was a rehearsal of the Philharmonic with Toscanini. Toscanini would never allow anybody into the Hall, while rehearsing. So Alfred, who knew Toscanini sent a message to him, saying Stokowski was at the door, both were allowed in and Toscanini embraced Stokowski and welcomed him. 28 The first Apartment the Rosé’s had and were their children, Alfred and Alma were born was not too far from the Opera in the third District, Stroh Street (House Arnold and Justine Rose 2 - Metternichgasse No. 5 (1902-1906)) and their best friends Bruno Walter and Else Walter with their children Lotte and Gretl lived nearby. Their Nannys, in the Rosé case Manina who later became the cook, to the nearby park at the Belvedere, I met the Walter’s at the Rosé, shortly after I met Alfred and if I re member rightly were also at the wedding party at the Rosé’s. He was uncle Bruno and she aunt Else. Alfred and I were still in correspondence with them when they moved to California. Gretl was living in Switzerland and her husband shot her to death, Lotte was also married and lived near the Walter’s in California. Else Walter’s wife died earlier, he himself died 17-02-1962 in Beverily Hills, California. He was one of the 5 or 6 people who owned the Mahler Bust by August Rodin, He donated his to the Walter room, at the Library of the Performing Arts Centre at Lincoln Centre. Alma Mahler gave hers to the Vienna State Opera, there is one at the Rodin Museum in Paris, then some Brothers in Winthertur, Switzerland had one and I own one my self. The Rosé’s had the one and when Arnold and Alma had to move to London, England took it with them. When Arnold died, a former pupil of his, Lila Pirani who lived with her husband Max here in London. She went over and brought it to us in 1948, Eventually it will go to the Mahler-Rosé room at the Music Library of the University of Western Ontario, As will go a lot of Mahler Memorabilias including the Mahler Silver and a gift of a large old Silver Fruit Bowl Mahler got when he left the Budapest Hungary Opera, after having been their director for 3 years. 29 When the Rose's children became of school age, the Family moved into the outer district in Vienna to Dobling into the Pirkergasse. They took two storys in a three floor house. In order not to have to use the common stairway, they had one built between the two floors, to be accessible from the kitchen and livingroom to the Bedrooms. The livingroom was very large and housed the big Bösendorfer piano, right next was quite a large diningroom and the kitchen. Upstairs three Bedrooms, bathroom and a small Hall. The school was directly oposite, where the children went. They had two servants, Manina the former nurse semaid became the cook and Mizzy was the chambermaid, who later became the nurse to Justine, when she became ailing and gave her injections. Once at the Corpus Christi Holyday, there were always big parades, with white clad girls with candles, a band, military and the Emporer Franz Josef, dressed espevially for this occasion with a plumed hat, seeted in a golden open calash, drawn by 6 black horses and the riders dressed in red. When Alfred saw the Emporer, he saluted and the Emporer saluted him back. Alfred never forgot this, he was so proud and happy, His mother had taken him the short distance from home to the Doblinger Main street. He was then about 8 years old. I remember the processions in our district in Wahring, (without the Emporer) that went passed a Convent. Every window in the 4 story building had in each window 2 candles and flowers, and the ground floor had all over Birch braches, and an Altar in the middle. 30 Alfred, after finishing the Public school went to the Doblinger Gymnasium (classical school of the first grade). He went there for 8 years, with a lot of Sons of prominent people, like Heinrich Schnitzler, the son of the Poet Arthur Schnitzler, some Sons of actors and Operasingers. He had Latin and Greek besides all the other subjects and got his leaving certificat. He took Clarinette and Voice lessons. His father tried to teach him violin at home but he was not very talented for this instrument. His father told him not to hold the Violin as if it would be the last of stroh holding on before drouning. Once during a lesson he raised the piano with his knees and let it crash down with a lot of noise. This was the end of the Violin lessons. Mahler’s popularity grew in the decades since his death. There were always diciples of Mahler and groups propagating his works. One was Bruno Walter and the first important move was done by Willem Mengelberg, after the 1914-1918 war. He celebrated his 25th anniversary as conductor of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra with a Mahler Festival. In May 1920 he conducted for the first time the entire opus of Mahler in nine concerts. The whole Rosé Family was invited and it was a wonderful time for them after having suffered so much during the war. Especially with the shortness of food. They were wonderfully dined. When they asked Alfred what he would like specially he said “A Glass of Milk". 31 The summers of 1936 and 1937 we went to a lovely Fishermens village on the Adriatic, Val Santa Marina. We went by train during the night and then in the morning by bus from Fiume the border of Yugoslavia, along the north coast to our little village which was nested below quite high mountains. We had a large room on the top floor of the house of a Fishermen’s couple. There were two large windows with shatters against the Sun, as it faced south. In the morning the woman brought us a Breakfast which we ate looking over the beach and across to a large bare Island which was called Bear Island. Between 9 and 10 o’clock the Fishermen brought in their catch. It was too hot to go fishing during the day. They had large lights on in front, teasing the Fish to think it is daylight, and fished all night in their large boats and in their customary outfit with wide navy blue pants. They brought in a lot of Lobsters, scampy (shrimps but a smaller sort) crevettes and a lot of fish. We chose everday what we wanted to have for dinner and took it many stairs up to the Hotel Post, where the Major was prepairing whatever we wanted to have. Sometimes is was a Rissotto, spaghetty with some Fishsauce, or baked fish or Lobster Rissotto. Every evening something wonderful and different, we left it up to him, what he wanted to do. And there always was lovely wine, white or red. Then we went along the beach to a cove, where the water was cristal clear and quite warm, for a swimm. As the whole village was a heaven for painters and musicians we always found someone interesting to talk to. Alfred introduced me to a very good looking Kammersinger, Fritz Schroedter, whose father 32 was a concert singer. My friend was a Tenor and often sang for us in the cove. At noon we had to go home as the sun was too strong and it was too hot. We had bought Salami, green Peppers and Bread and ate it in front of our window. Schroedter also went there in the afternoon and sometimes when Alfred wanted to have a longer siesta I went down and talked to Fritz. He was a very interesting man, knew a lot about conductors and other musicians and as he was an older man, his father had sung at the Opera under Mahler. Sometimes we went to the cove at moonlight, climbed the rocks and swam the water even late at night was wonderfully warm. In the afternoons when it was not too hot, we visited some other pictureque little villages, walked for about an hour or took the bus to Lovrana for Tea in the afternoon. Once we made a cruise down the Yugoslave costal aria. We were five days and nights on a very luxerious Steamer. The food was phantastic and I still remember the large Doranzen (very large and juicy peaches), We passed the city of Dubrovnik (which now is almost burned out and in shambles) and went as far down as Korcula, a wonderful white city, We always were taken for hour long excursions through the places, I can never forget this trip as also the passangers were so interesting coming from so many different parts of the world. In 1937 we went to Val Santa Marina again, but one could feel already on the train the Nazi Influence. Small groups of people were affronting passages. 33 We had a sticky expierience. We had bought a bottle of Tamarinda, some syrup, equivalent to our Maple Syrup. Because of the shaking of the train, the bottle up in the net, exploded and all that sticky liquid ran over our luggage, down over our heads and clothes, to the floor. It was terrible and very hard to get the stuff off. With the help of some of the passangers and the conductor, we got cleaned off, and arrived in Vienna with out our favorite Syrup. Alfred started teaching again at the peoples Conservatory, taught a bit of voice at home and compossed. He wrote quite a few songs, mostly to the text of our poet Anton Wildgans. He had written 2 String Quartetts, the 2nd one was performed by the Rosé Quartett in l927, and he was working on his Tryptichon for Cello and Orchestra, which was partially performed with Orchestra London under the Batton of Clifford Evans, with his wife Mary Evans as Cello Soloist at around 1960. Alexis Hauser wanted to do the whole composition, but later declined, so it has never been performed in his entirety. The Manuscript of Alfred’s 2nd String Quartett is at the Elisabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation at the Library of Congress in Washington, beautifully bound in red leather with the Name of Alfred, in Gold. We saw it when we visited old former friends in London, Ontario, Gerald Cole, who was Professor of Music at Western and the Organist at St. Pauls Cathethal for many years, had moved to Westminster, Maryland where he was Professor of Organ. They took us to Washington. Alfred, as a young man, was so taken by Budism, that he wanted to change his religion. 34 He read a lot of Buddhist writers, espezially Rabindranath Tagore. He followed all the rules to become a Buddhist, had his hair parted in the middle to lay the Zirbel Gland (pineal gland) free, did not eat any meat and some other things that were forbidden. He went to the Buddhists meetings and prayed with them on the knees with different movements. He did that for quite a while, I don’t recall when and why he gave that idea up, probably some of his musician collegues talked him out of it, On his Bedside table he always had 3 books, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Senneca, and every night read some of the meditations before going to sleep. That calmed him down from whatever exciting affair that happened during the day. He did that until his death. When the Nazi affair was beginning to take foot on Austria and espezially Vienna we had to think what we should do. Alfred wrote a lot of letters for advice to former students of Arrold Rosé, to some of his own friends like Rudolph Bing, who was then the general manager of the Metropolitan Opera. He was an old friend of the Rosé Family and also wanted to marry Alma Rosé. Some of the people were also very unfriendly and said stay where you are. Alfred had also composed a Piano Sonata, which was first performed by a Pianist Stell Wang. Later a friend of Alfred performed it again in Vienna Walter Robert Spitz, who changed his name after teaching in Texas and then in Bloomington, Indiana at the University, to Walter Robert. Our very good friend and still mine, Dr. Damiana Bratutz played it here in London in 1970. 35 Alfred went with the Rosé Quartett on an American Tour. They went to Washington where they played for President Calvin Coolidge, to Boston where they met Koussewizky the conductor again, so Alfred wrote to him later too and to Cincinnati where there was an Ophthalmologist Dr. Sattler, whose Secretary was Alfred’s first english Teacher, Elly Burger, Both Alma and Alfred learned English almost before they spoke German and at times could hardly converse with their father. Justine spoke english very well as her brother Gustav Mahler insisted that his brothers and sister learn Engish. Dr. Sattler had an Ophthalmic Hospital in the city of Cincinnati, and Mrs Sattler and Elly arranged the third floor of the hospital as an apartment for us, it even had a piano. We ate with the patients and at night we had the use of the kitchen to bake our cookies, which Alfred carried on foot, we did not have the money for the Bus. I had made a confectioners course and we first borrowed $ 10. for the ingredients and got 0.40 cents a dozen for making them. Later on I baked for schools and Debutant parties, many dozens at the time but I am getting too far ahead. Dr. Sattler was over 8o years old, he wanted to give us an affidavit but his age interfered, but he could put us up. At that time my mother had a paying guest, staying in the house. She was a pianist Margarethe Beller who studied with Eduard Steuermann. She said she could arrange a stay with her in-laws in New York, We also had to arrange for a short stay in the Netherlands, as we were only allowed to enter Holland 5 days before the boat was leaving. Our good friend Louis Meijer, who was the one who made signes about me when I met Alfred. He came to our house quite often. He was with the Algemeene 36 Handelsblatt in Amsterdam and in the Hague, During the beginning of 1938 there were a lot of shootings going on in the workmen housings, which were very close to the Rosés, but we took the 20 minutes walk every day down to them, sometimes the shooting went over our heads. But my mother-in-law was not very well, and Alfred was very close to her so we went for a visit everyday, there was so much to be talked over. Of course we had to think of arranging our Emigration and to get all the important papers together. In March Hitler marshed in. We had arranged for that day to go to some very close friends for dinner, before that affair took place. He was a Primarius of Dentistry and she a pupil for voice with Alfred. I am still in correspondence with her. There name were Primarius Richard Furst and Gretl. They had a lovely large apartment behind the Votiv Church and they had a little son Hannes Peter. Alfred was supposed to come from the Peoples Conservatory and I from my confections cook course, We were to meet at about 6 o’clock. I was not too late but we had to wait for a long time for Alfred as he had to take the Streetcar and there were big demonstrations going on. The yelling was terrible, all the Hitler youth marched with their flags and shouted 'Heil Hitler’. We had a wonderful dinner, but nobody had any appetite. We also had a bottle of Wine, and afterwards Richard smashed the bottle against the mantle and each one of us got a piece of green glass to commemorate the day, it was the 18-03-1938, As the Streetcars had stopped running we had to walk home for about 3/4 of an hour, in the middst of the shrieking and shouting pleps. 37 These friends of ours had a Summer cottage on the only Saltwater Lake in the country. It was a very large lake completely overgrown with bulrush, It is the nesting place of many very exoting birds, and in the village were a lot of Storks on the roofs. The cottages had to be built on short prop and could only be reached by a long boardwalk. The lake was nowhere more than 2 feet deep and one had a hard time going by boat, one could not row but had to push the boat through with a long plank. The noise of the different birds and the frogs were sometimes overwhelming, especially in the evening or when one rowed trough. It was in the Burgenland, one Province of Austria. It was a wine country and grew the special Neusiedler wine. We walked almost everyday into the village on very dusty roads to get food, bottles of wine and partidge. It usually was very hot, and when we came home with our load, we had some wine. Sometimes a little bit too much, and it was very hard for Greti to clean the partiges from their feathers for the evening meal. We went there very often, sornetimes in the Spring and Fall but mostly for a few weeks in the Sunimer. One could not go swimming as the lake was very muddy but could dip into the water from the boardwalk. They had a little boy, called Hannes Peter who enjoyed the water and the genial life, there was only Radio were we got the News or some county music. They were very genial people and we had a lot of fun talking and smoking, both men smoked a pipe and Gretl and I Cigaretts, when Hannes Peter was put to bed we set outside, enjoying the different natur sounds, Richard passed away quite a few years ago, but I am still in Correspondence with her. 38 Now we had to think seriously about our Emigration. We had gotten the Affidavid from th partents in law Beller, through the Pianist who stayed with my mother to study with Eduard Steuerman. We did not know them, but he was younger than Dr. Sattler, who was already over 80 years old and that age was impossible for someome to give an affidavid, But he would put us up for any length of time on the top floor of his Ophthalmic Hospital and we had the kitchen use after the patients had their evening meal, to make some money with my bakery, My brother who left before us with his in-laws and the Grand parents for Greece and as they had a big printing firm in Vienna established one in Athens Greece. They were a jewish Family of a grand stand in the city of Vienna, the brothers Rudolph Rosenbaum, Rudi’s daughter my sister-in-law Trude, who was a stunning beautiful red haired women turned to Catholicism when she married my brother. Their wedding which was a big affair took place in one of the oldest churches in Vienna the Minoritten Church 1935. My brother and sister had a very large portfolio made, with ties on all sides, to house the very large and smaller etchings of my father, He took a big amount of them to the Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, each of them got stamp allowing us to take them out of the country, and also on one of the ties a seal of wax affixed which should not have been broken. It had six ties and my brother carefully smuggeled a lot of not too large etchings in. 39 He, himself took quite a few of our antiques from the house, a lot of copperplates of the etchings of my father, mainly jewish people like Albert Einstein, Hugo Wolf, Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler, Ernst and Irma Benedikt (the owners of our Newspaper The Neue Freie Presse, (the new Free Press)) and many more. After having established themselves in Athens, they built a love printing Firm and had a beautiful Villa, Everything was fine until Hitler moved into Greece and they to give everything up and the whole Family had to flee. Their belongings were crated up and supposed to be loaded onto an Cole Freighter. But the crane with everything broke and the whole load went into the Aegaeish See. They, themselves traveled on the Cole Freighter to Cyprus and from there to Aegypt were the men were inturned. The women were put up some where and were not allowed to work. After a few years the Grandparents died, and so did my sister—in—law Trude. My mother of course did not know what happemed to them. They were in touch with us in Cincinnati but we had to find a way to let my mother and sister know where they are. So Alfred got the idea to send a telegram with the words “Johannes airight with Amneris” (that is one figure in the Opera Aida which played in Aegypt) hoping she would understand the message and the letter control people would think it is a relative of our Family, and she really got it and she was very much relieved. My brother got into the British Army and ended up after a few years as a Major. Johannes and Trude’s first child a girl, was born in Aegypt and we always called her the Aegytjan Princess. Once my brother could got to Vienna and visit my mother, who had lost a lot of weight, but Johannes bought a lot of food in the depot, as a british soldier he could do that, and brought it to her. And of course to see him again after many years was a big exitement. 40 When he got out of the Army he went back to Vienna were his second child Michael was born. After the war he got the Rosenbaum printing firm back and worked there and they bought a beautiful Villa in Hitzing which was close to the Emperors castel Schönbrurin. They had a lot of servants and again Trude was the lady of the house and also worked at times in the Printing Firm. I had to go myself to a lot of Consulates and places were one had to stand for many hours in line to get certain permissions to take things out with us and also the permission for Alfred to leave the country, If Alfred would, have gone to these different offices they might have arrested him. Now we had to find a Transport Company to crate a lot of things. My mother divided her beautiful cauterized Stem Glasware between my sister and me, the ingraved Silver. Her long string of exceptual beautiful real pearls between my sister, sister—in-law and me and some Jewelery. We did not take any furnitures but a lot of Cristal bowls and Trays, a lot of bedding and linnens, our china, our winter clothes and my Furs and of course a tremendedous amount of books and Music and ofcourse the large case of my father’s etchings and a lot of his paintings, But everyday we went down to the Rosé’s between shootings going on all over. Then we had to get the permission to enter the Netherlands, Originally we were only allowed to enter 5 days before the Stearner, in our case the Veendam, was expected to leave. Alfred’s Dutch friend Louis Meijer whom I met when I met Alfred and the two of them were out to find a wife. 41 He worked for the Minister of State for foreign affairs and was trying to get us a permission to enter the Netherlands 10 day before the Steamer was to leave, which was on 15-10-1938. In the meantime I made me a blouse, to hide my Jewerly I wanted to take with me, without being dicovered. It was a high neck blouse, with long sleeves. I wore my mothers Pearls around my neck, the Platinum-Pearl Bracelett onder the sleeves, some rings, hoping they would not see them, and Alfred’s Cufflinks in the button wholes on the cuffs of the sleeves In the meantime Alfred’s mother got more and more ill, we went sometimes twice a day to see her, and the maid Mizzy nursed her and the two doctors with whom she went to concerts. On 22-08-1938 she passed away, never knew that we were going to leave. There was a large Funeral, Bruno Walter spoke and very many Dignitaries from the city, from the Opera and the Vienna Philharmonic attended, and of course my Family. The mood was very somber and we kept it from Arnold that we were supposed to leave in about 4 weeks. The Packers finished the packing, we got our own things ready and then we set for weeks on our almost finished Suitcases and waited every day for the News from the Netherlands. When the time got close we called our friend in Amsterdam, he woke up the Minister of foreighn affairs in the middle of the night and a few days later we received out permission. On the 28-09-1938 we went down to Arnold not saying anything, but Alma ran after us and said: You are leaving tonight I have the feeling. We asked her not to mention anything to Arnold it would have broken his heart. 42 She kept it to herself and we embraced in tears, said Goodby to her and left. It was the day of Chamberlain to go to Chechoslovakia, Later that night my mother, sister and brother-in-law came with us to the Westbahnhof never knowing if we would see each other ever again. I never did see my mother again, She passed away in the arms of her best friend Putzi Prohaska, the mother of Felix Prohaska, a conductor, during a Radio concert with Kabasta conducting, in April 1949. We had a compartment to ourselves and each of us was allowed to take $ 2.50 with us. If we had more it would have been sent back at the border, It was a very tearful Goodbye. We traveled through the night and reached very early in the morning the Bordertown of Eindhoven. We had a letter from the Minister of the Intieria which granted us the permission to enter Holland earlier, it was written in Dutch. Alfred had to leave the compartment and train, to declare his Camara, A Browny 2 a cardboard box with a very good lens and his Typewriter. When he met the Station Master they both found out that were conductors, He had a small Band and gave concerts all over. They had quite a lengthy conversation and when Alfred returned to the Compartment, a tall S. S. man in Uniform was standing in front of me, and Alfred was scared. He asked for our letter and we asked him if he can read Dutch, he said No, He told us if the letter was not right, that we would be sent back. He asked us if we had any money and everything but $ 2.50 for each of us, was sent back. After a long delay and we were getting more and more nervous, the train started to move. 43 When we passed the Station Masters House, he was standing in Front and Looked for Alfred and when he saw him in the window he saluted. This was the first friendly greeting and made us happy to be out of the claws of the Nazis. Our friends picked us up in Amsterdam and after cleaning up a bit took us to a marvelous restaurant with the most fantastic food, we had not seen for a long time, and we talked and talked until after 2 o’clock in the morning, when we went happyly to bed and looking forward to all the coming adventures. We stayed with them, they had 2 small boys and a country place in the Hague right on the Sea. We had to get used to their 5 meals a day with wonderful food. They drove us around the countryside we saw the Windmills, the tremendous fields and the large plantations of Tulips. They took us to the Concertgebouw where William Mengelberg was conducting and Rachmaninoff was playing one of his Piano Concertos. It was just wonderful to see all the audinece dressed in their finest and to hear the rnusic. After the concert Alfred went up to Mengelberg and spoke to him, he knew him from the Mahler Festival in Holland and from conducting in Vienna. Then we went to look for Rachmaninoff and could not find him. All of a sudden we saw him in a corner, his collar turned up and his Furhat on, his face turned to the wall and angry mummbling something. He was in such a rage and only always repeated 'This man ruined my whole concerto'. We visited all the wonderful Museums and took a lot of conducted tours, We were there until 15-10-1938 when our Boat, the Veendam, was leaving from Rotterdam. 44 We took 4 suitcases, 3 with some clothes for Fall and Winter, as we did not know when our big freight would arrive. One suitcase was all, most filled with Alfred’s manuscripts. A lot of songs, some published the Trypticon which he composed in 1937 and which we almost could not take. Herman Scherchen, the Swiss conductor wanted to perform it in Vienna. He lived in the Hotel Imperial, where Hitler made his Head quarters. As it has a Solo, I think a Tenor Solo, Scherchen, and the Swiss Singer and Alfred had a lot of conferences at the Hotel, and left the Music with them. When we had decided we would leave, Alfred had to go to the Hotel where Hitler was and we never thought he would be able to retrieve the score without being arrested, It was a scary undertaking, but luckely he got the score out. Up till now it has never been performed. Alexis Hauser the conductor of the London Symphony had planned to do it but it never materialized. Well, on the 15-10-1938 we got onto the Schip, one of the large Boats of the Holland America Line. The passengers of the Steerage were a terrible kind of people and the noise horrible. We had a small Cabin and it was difficult to get all our belongings in. The Line was known to have such wonderful food, but for our 10 days trip they threw everything on us, it was horrible. We got the same icecream everyday noon and evening, only with a different name. I never played Bingo in my life but I wanted to try it one evening and I won $57. 50, which was a God sent as we otherwise had only $5 between us, and so we felt quite rich getting to New York, 25-10-1938. 45 In the early morning hours, we looked out of our Porthole which was on the left side we saw the beautyful statue of Liberty, with a lot of noise from the sirens of the ship, and were looking forward to a new life with big success. It was to be a difficult start but we were prepared for everything. The Pianist who be been living in our house while studying with Eduard Steuerman, Margreth Beller and her parents in law Picked us up. He had provided the Affidavid for us and was going to put us up for a few weeks and was going to take care of us. The apartment on 70th Street in New York was not large enough to house us, so they put us up at the Berbizon Plaza a wonderful large Hotel and we had a Suite. We had to get used to the different mealtimes and ate most of our meals at their apartment. After a few days of rest we were ready to get in contact with the very many musicians, Alfred knew, There were Walter Taussig a a coach at the Met and an old friend of Alfred’s, Carl Bamberger and his wife Lotte Hammerschlag, a composer conductor and both were old friends of my sister, Elisabeth Schumann a Vienna State Opera Singer, who invited us once for Tea to her apartment were we also got to know her Pincher dog, Pizzy. It was a lovely afternoon, showing us all her memorabilias. Alfred coached her for quite a long time in Vienna were we also were invited often for Tea, Rudolph Bing (at that time he was not Sir) who was an admierer of Alma Rosé, came over from the Essex House, next to the Barbizon Plaza with his Miniature Dachshund, and they talked about, maybe finding a Possition for Alfred at the Met, where he was the Manager. 46 Then there was Hermann Broch, a distant cousin of my mother, who had come to the States quite a while before we came. He was a lecuterer and Novalist at Prinston, New Jersey. One of his best known Novels was the Sleepwaker, (der Schlafwandler) which had a tremendous success, and translated into many languages. We met often at the confectioners Tea Room Rumpelmayer at Central Park. He was a very brilliant man. One afternoon I remember as specially was when he said “I have so much to do and so little time", Aifred and I, we never forgot that, When I often think I still have to write 49 years of my lifestory I have to say the same thing. Margaret Beller took us down to Prinston to meet her husband, whose name I forgot, who was also a Professor there as Hermann Broch, we had a wonderful day. We made many exursion tours in New York, through the whole Zoo at Central Park up to Harlem, to the Cloisters, which was most impressive, to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, and Alfred knew somebody at the large Library who showed us all around. We went to Carnegie Hall to hear Rudolph Serkin whom we knew so well and also went to the Old Met, to hear Tosca. We also were together with Alfred’s cousin Ernest Rosé a lot, who at that time was with the voice of America. He had been an actor in Weimar, but had no difficulties in getting a possition as he was a born American citizen, having been born while his father Eduard was with the Boston Philharmonic. 47 We had a wonderful time in New York, but now we had to think with our only $ 59.50 in our possession to start to make a living. We left on 12-11-1938 and went to Cinicinnati, Ohio by train and admirered the countryside. We did not know what was ahead of us but we had wonderful help in Elly Burger, Alfred’s first English Teacher in Vienna, She was Hungarian, and her aunt raised her and her sister Olga in Vienna, and they lived only a few houses away from the Rosés so both Alfred and Alma had after their school, Elly for the whole afternoons. They conversed mostly in English with their mother Justi but could not hardly speak to Arnold, as he did not know at that time English. The whole English idea came from Gustav Mahler, who insisted that his sisters and brothers had to learn English. Elly, later went to the States and became the Secretary of Dr. Sattler, an Ophthalmologist who had his own hospital. We arrived on 12-11-1938 and were met a the station by Elly and Dr. Sattler. The hospital was down-town and full of patients, but Elly had arrange the 3rd floor for us. We had quite a large livingroom even with an upright piano, a diningroom, where they brought us the meals up, the same what the patients got, and a bedroom and bathroom, so we were completely seperated. There was no elevator, and the kitchen was in the Basement. Mrs. Sattler had arranged for me to make my spezial confections for the Womens Exchange were people could bring their nittings, sewings etc, in and we received a little bit of money for the things. 48 Dr, Sattler lend us $ 10 to buy the ingrediences for my backeries, We were allowed to use the kitchen after everything was closed down for the night, so mostly not before 10.30 or 11 PM. The store was about 12 blocks away, so we also had to get some boxes to take the things down the next day. I also knitted a lot of Baby Outfits and sweaters for bigger boys and girls. As we could not afford the Streetcar to get down there, mostly Alfred took the boxes down, as I could not waste the time and had to knitt. I remember we got $- .40 cents for a dozend of my goodies. They provided the wool I was suppossed to knit something of and I got about $ 1.50 to $ 2.00 for an outfit. When the Rosé Quartett travelled through the States with Alfred as an Interpretor, as some of the members hardly spoke english, Arnold had learned some in the years before, they also went to Cinicinnati, gave 2 concerts, I also in a privat hole at the Wurlitzers, the Wurlitzer Organ builders. They had a magnificent home with a concert Hall and had invited a lot of prominent people, which took us over when we as the first Viennese Refugees, got there. There is a funny story when the Rosé Quartett with Alfred were invited for dinner into their beautiful large diningroom, which I saw later too. Arnold looked out of the barge window and saw the beautiful garden. They also had Wine with their dinner and when Arnold looked out again after about half an hour the view was quite different, so he thought he had too much to drink, It turned out that the dining room table turned 180 degrees during one hour. So Arnold was quite relieved when they told him the story. 49 At an advice of our friend Lily we had brought quite a few evening clothes. as the large Jewish community of the city always gave big parties, espezialiy after concerts at their very large, beautifui mansions, Their were lots of servants in Tuxedos, and if it was not a sitdown dinner, they passed around the wonderful food on large silver trays. We were invited to lots of them and met many people. which be came our large circle of friends. Of course these all lasted until very late at night and when we came home to the hospital, somebody always brought us, we still had to put the icing on my bakeries to be ready to be delivered the next morning, sometimes there were quite a few dozens, when people started to like them. Sometimes I went with Alfred and as my English was not very good, we spoke German. But never without turning around if somebody was listening to us, a habit we had acquiered during the Hitler Time. But they had put a Radio into our sittingroom and I learned my english listening to Soap Operas, These wonderful people had some of their children studying piano with him at the hospital. Christmas we spent with the Sattler's and Elly at their big Estate at Indian Hill, we later met a lot of his neighbours. For New Years Eve we were invited to a big party at Lazarus who lived on another Hill quite outside of the city. Since nobody thought that we could not afford a Taxi out this far, Alfred had to excuse us, and said I have a very bad headache, Not long after, the Hospital was sold and closed and we had to find another place. 50 Most of this Mansions were owned for centuries by Partriach old Jewish Families, Sometimes after the owner passed away they were divided into apartments, Such an apartment we got. It was their very large kitchen, next to it a cold storrage place where one used to hung up half carcases of Beef. There was a small place for the kitchen help to eat their meals which we used for our meals, Then the tremendous large former diningroom with wonderful woodcarvings on the Buffet and all over the room, one fireplace and 2 large windows, In one corner was a door and behind a Pulldown Bed. A large entry hall. They build a small bathoom and a fairly large bedroom. On the other side lived a single lady who had the former large livingroom and also bedroom and bath. There were people living upstairs but we were never in contact with them. Ours was completly furnished and we got 2 beds from the hospital, and the Piano. It was on Washington Ave and the whole district was called Avondale. The people got Alfred some piano and voice Pupils, and they got in touch for me with a wool Factory, from which I got the wool and the matching material to make skirts and I butted the jackets and taylored them. I got a lot of orders and we could make a bit of money. The Sattlers had neighbours Marcus and when their German refugees arrived they introduced us and Anita and Adolph Marcus became our best friends, she even came up here when we lived on William Street and visited us quite often. She was a Violinist and played with Alfred and Adolph had a beautiful voice. They had 2 sons which studied with Alfred. 51 Adolph brought his mother with them, who had studied voice in Berlin with the famous teacher Ox. She still had a beautiful, voice, despite being an old lady. I remember they once invited us to hear a Radio Performance, the first ever of the 5th Shostakovich Symphony and how we were taken by it. It beceame our favorite Shostakovich Symphony which we bought and played it whenever we had time, it is still my favorite. Then there was the former Polish Ambassador to to Vienna Lishnievsky who became a great friend of ours and invited us often to wonderful Polish dinners which he prepared himself. The conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Eugene Goosens and his wife to whom we were intruduced once after a concert, his brother was the famous Oboist Leon Goosens, they became great friends of ours and invited us often to the concerts, as we could not afford to buy tickets. He again introduced us to some of the Musicians and so we met the Stolorevskis, he was a violinist and she worked in a dress shop as saleslady. Through her I got my job in the alteration departement of the 3 story high shop. As I had my masters degree in dressmaking I was supposed to use the sewing mashines. But I was used to a tradle machine and not to a powermachine where the speed had to be regulated with the knee. It always went too fast for me and so when I had to put a Zipper in a dress or skirt, I broke the needle. My salary was $ 13.50 a week, from which I had to pay my fare and the broken needle was didacted. It took me a while to learn how to manage. 52 Some Vienese friends of my sister also came to Cincinnati. Dr. Ferdinad Donath, a brother of the Hollywood actor Robert Donath. Ferry was married to the daughter of the very famous Chiruge Professor Julius Schnitzler the brother of the Poet Arthur Schnitzler. We became very close friends and he became our Family Physisian while in Cincinnati, They had 2 children Trudi and Ferry who both took Piano with Alfred, I was up here still a long time in contact with Anny Donath. Then there was a very famous voice teacher who was going to retire and she had many pupils from all over. They all came to Alfred. One was Dee Sherman who was from West Virginia and we brought her up with us the first year we came for Summer school in 1914. To sing Pamina in the Magic Flute. She later got married to Henry Marquit and lived in New York where she taught voice and had quite a few students who became famous. Whenever we went to New York we stayed with them, They came to visit us quite often here in London and stayed with us, Then there was Jacki Fisher whom we brought up for Summer School in 1947. Dr. Margareth Thuenemann who was from Cincinnati became a Professor of voice in Pittsfield, Kansas and had some wonderful students who became quite famous in Europe. At Christmas time I am still in correspondence with her and she never fails in all these letters how greatful she still is, what wonderful teacher she had in Alfred and how greatful, she will be all her life what he taught her. 53 We had quite a few Mentors, some of them where outstanding. There was Therese Steiner who drove us around wherever we had to go and gave big parties at her wonderful large home for us, so we would meet a lot of people who eventually would their children to Alfred for Piano lessons. She and a few others started a Progressive School mostly for jewish children and Alfred taught them Music appriation, There is a nice story. Once one of the pupils raised his hand and wanted to talk. He said to Aifred, "lf it was not for you Mr, we could write our Geometry assignement now". The other Mentor who also became a very great friend of ours, was Helen Rosenthal, She also had a large house with 2 pianos. So she started with 3 other ladies Quartett and played on the 2 pianos 8 hand music. Alfred, of course introduced them to Mahler, which they loved doing it and some other great composers works. They met two mornings a week and this lasted for almost the 10 years we were in Cincinnati. So Alfred was kept pretty busy with his teaching and I working in the Alteration Department and then on my knittings in the evenings at home, if we did not go to a concert or were invited, So with all that we made a little bit of money. We had paid back the $ 10. Dr. Sattler had lend us. Since we were known now for our Viennese Pastry we got the order to deliver 3-4 dozen of them to the school twice a week, mostly dry things so the children would not have to use a fork. 54 Then we were asked to make for the big Debutant Parties 10-12 dozen of the goodies. We made Rum diddies, 1 1/2 inch cut round Sponge dough filled with sponge dough soaked in rum and a pink icin, Vanilla Crescent, Rum Balls covered with shredded coconut, Westfahler Crescents, a Butterdough filled with Apricot Jam, Sacher Torten and yellow cakes with isings. As we could only do that in the evenings, as we both were quite busy, I at the shop and Alfred and school, Piano Quartett and teaching we had to stay up many nights. In February 1939 we got a letter from Baltimor, that our belongings had arrived from Vienna and in order to get them we should send them $ 80. Our things were packed before we left Vienna and the whole Shipment paid in full to Cincinnati. We went to a Lawyers friend but he only told us if you don’t pay them you can’t get your things. So we had just about saved $ 80. and as we wanted to have our things we had to pay it and had to start saving right from the beginning again. We got the things about 2 months later and when we unpacked our china and glasware more than half of it was broken. The Nazis on purpose had put heavy liquor bottle tops into the very fine ingraved Glaswear of my mothers, so we had 4 bierglassesm 3 champagne glasses 4 wineglasses etc out of 6. At least 1/3 of our china was broken. Glass in framed pictures broken, it was terrible. We did not ship any furnitures except a Tea Wagon, but our clothes and furs, bedding and linnens, paintings of my father and a large case with over 100 etchings, and coffers of books and music and our 2 large ship trunks. 55 My father in law Arnold and his daughter Alma Rosé left Vienna a few moths after we left and went to stay with some Viennese friends in Bromley, Kent. They were Dr. Hans and Stella Fuchs. Mrs Fuchs met my mother in law during the first World War at the Red Cross and were very close friends ever since. Dr. Fuchs was a Dentist and took care of the Rosé Family. They had left before and had a lovely house in Bromley and could put up the Rosé's. They had taken all the memorabilias including 2 paintings by Mrs Alma Mahler’s stepfather and 1 by her father and ofcourse the Mahler Rodin Bust, Arnold had met his former Cellist of the Rosé Quartett Friedrich Bu.xbaum and with 2 others they startet a Quartett again. Lots of famous musicians had emigrated to England and Arnold soon was much surounded by old friends. When the famous Pianist Myra Mess heard that Arnold was there she engaged the Quartett to play at the noon concerts she had arranged during the Blitz. Arnold practiced every day and Stella invited a lot of people for Arnold, We corresponded with all of them a lot. Sometimes the letters were censured and words that could tell of the weather conditions in England like rain (Regen) or fog (Nebel) were carefully cut out, We found a wonderful Family in Cincinnati who oppened their bank books for inspections to show that they would be able to give Arnold an affidavit to come over and join us. They were Bob and Francis Friess. 56 They had a lovely estate on the outskirts of Cincinnati with a swimming pool and they picked us up almost every Sunday to spend the day with them, they were very lovely and most helpful people, Arnold was a little bit affraid of coming again into an English speaking country with his little English, he was too old to learn it, but we assured him that we had very many German speaking frinds, After hearing about his daughters Almas death in a Concentration camp he started ailing and in 1946 he passed away. He was cremated and on one of our trips to England and then Vienna we took his urn and burned him in the grave of his wife Justine, not very far from Mahler’s grave, at the Grinzinger Cemetery. We stayed in touch with Stella all the time, and stayed in her house when we went to England. Once we took a budtrip through the Cothwolds stayed a few days in Stratford on Avon and she also took us to the Festival Halls. Through her we met Lila Doubleday Pirani again. She was for years Arnolds favorite pupil. She and her Family came from Australia and where ever the Rosés went for their Summer Vacation the Doubledays went with them in order that Lila would not miss out on her lessons, Max Pirani was with the Royal Conservatory of Music and long before we came to London they came and as a matter of fact through her we came to London, Harvey Robb, the Organist of St. Andrews church here, wanted to start an Opera Workshop and Lila said she knows the man who would be right for that, but I will tell the story later. |