Personal Information

Bernhard Mahler
Born 1889
Gender ♂️ Male
Person ID 13496
Last Modified 2020-11-18 17:48:12

Parents ( 1 )

Simon Mahler
Mother Marie Mahler-Bondy
Siblings ♂️ Adolf Mahler
♀️ Sofia Mahler
♀️ Barbara Mahler
♂️ David Mahler
♂️ Filip Mahler
♂️ Marek Mahler
♂️ Herschel (Herrmann) Mahler
♂️ Josef Mahler
♂️ Leopold Mahler
Family ID 25406
Last Modified 2022-01-20 18:30:31

Spouses ( 1 )

Marie Mahler-Herrmann
Children ♂️ Konrad Mahler
♀️ Emma Marie Eleanor Rose-Mahler
♂️ Otto Mahler
♂️ Alfred Mahler
♂️ Friedrich (Fritz) Mahler
♂️ Arnold Mahler
♀️ Justine (Ernestine) Rose-Mahler
♂️ Alois (Louis) Mahler
♂️ Rudolf Mahler
♂️ Karl Mahler
♀️ Leopoldine Quittner-Mahler
♂️ Ernst Mahler
♂️ Gustav Mahler
♂️ Isidor Mahler


Birth Entering into life.


Additional Information

Additional Info

Bernard Mahler (1827-1889).

Relation to Gustav Mahler (1860-1911): His father.

  • Children: 14:

Year 1870Bernard Mahler (1827-1889).

Bernard Mahler (1827-1889).


  • Nickname: Baruch.
  • 00-00-1858 Kaliste: Residence.
  • Bernard Mahler was extraordinarily enterprising, purposeful, ambitious, but also violent and abusive man. This is confirmed by numerous records of fines at the Jihlava court (quarrels, fights, unauthorized sale, etc.). His wife Marie Hermann was the opposite. Both had often violent quarrels and domestic scenes.
  • His company was sold poorly after his death. Gustav sees his inheritance in favor of his sisters and asks his brothers Alois and Otto to do this too. They finally agree.
  • The family of Bernard Mahler and Marie Mahler was a large one. In the years 1858-1879, 14 children were born, eight died at a young age. At the end of the 19th century the death of small children was a very common phenomenon; half of the children died in the first half of their lives. The death cases influenced the psyche of the mother, for whom the sensitive Gustav Mahler felt a great love.

Grave Bernard Mahler (1827-1889). Jihlava, Bohemia.

Grave Bernard Mahler (1827-1889). Jihlava, Bohemia.

Grave Bernard Mahler (1827-1889). Jihlava, Bohemia.

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